simple question, which is doing better right now? warrior, or pally?
asking cause i wanna learn to tank, and both of these classes can use shields… also cause they look pretty fun, and i can’t really decide which to go with.
simple question, which is doing better right now? warrior, or pally?
asking cause i wanna learn to tank, and both of these classes can use shields… also cause they look pretty fun, and i can’t really decide which to go with.
Considering we are on the eve of a new expansion and that tuning isnt even done; go on PTR and play with both, make up your mind which seems more interesting to you.
We don’t know which one will be better, but most would agree Warrior have a more interesting tree.
The expansion is almost over, anything that you learn right now is pretty pointless.
Between warrior and paladin, i’d pick Brewmaster every single time.
Having played BDK, ProtPal and ProtWarr, the most OP tank atm is probs bear druid.
pally is right now but dragonflight might change that.
This is a very bad take. OP can still learn valuable tanking mechanics and utility/defensive usage that can absolutely be transferred to the next expansion.
This is also not true. There’s a reason Bear and Warrior are in the bottom representation right now. Maybe next expansion will be different.
Yea nice joke dude, if anything you’re just building a bat habit if you play Dragonflight Prot like Shadowland prot.
You clearly don’t know what you are talking about. Tanking play style can absolutely be transferred over from expansion to expansion. Learning your limits, knowing when to use certain abilities, knowing when to pop defensives are all important skills. Will they be slightly different next expansion? Yes, probably, but it doesn’t take away from it being important to learn. It’s easy to learn and adjust.
You’re really need to read the title, he’s asking for current content, which is pretty much obsolete at this point.
It’s WOW, you have like 3 buttons defensives, you act like “learning” it requires effort months before the expansion launch.
Yes, the OP can learn to tank now and have fun with it for the next couple months. After that the OP can transfer those skills to the next expansion.
If you boil anything down you can make rocket science sound juvenile.
There are a lot of players who are completely new to tanking and they need time to learn to tank. Defensives are only 1 aspect and it is a lot more involved than just saying “oh it’s just 3 buttons”. It’s undeniably easier to learn how to tank now and adjust to the new expansion because you will already have the basics down.
Both are good with some flaws,paladin is good for tanking when it requires heals both heals at periods of time while warrior has bleeds that help down content. Thanks to blizzard warrior is less likely to die than it use to be ,gg it was a mess all those bandages.
In my opinion starting tanking warrior is better then do paladin.
It’s never too late to learn a different spec.
Absolutely true.
It won’t matter what is the “best” right now, but those innate muscle memory tanking skills will positively be a boon in the next expansion.
Same goes for healing, tbh.
Demon hunter is better along with Death Kings.
leave the casual ones for something else, like farming in the world.
Paladin scales much better at lower ilvl. Your damage is higher and your CDs cover a larger portion on the fight.
Warriors are very mobile. Between charge, kyrian spear, leap, and intervene you have lots of mobility options. Warriors have big gameplay change with leggo because it’s a huge chunk of resource gain and mitigation.
Both hit hard for tanks.
Warriors fold to magic damage in certain dungeons until you learn what to kick or pop CDs for.
I’ll take a DPS who pulls before the tank even loads into the instance every time over a bear.
Pre-patch is probably just a few weeks away.
Don’t worry about what’s good now.
From what I’ve tested in the beta (in dungeons). The warrior is stronger than the paladin, both in dps and survivability (also provides attack buff). In the case of the paladin, his damage is lower (being almost below a healer) and his stamina is medium (almost becoming the alter ego of a warrior tank in SL). As the roles have been reversed, that’s why now I notice that the warrior is so powerful, that literally with his “Revenge” spell he can do an overall 20-22k dps.
depends if you’re planning on carrying them to DF. Atm pally are kinda underwhelming in beta and warrior is looking pretty good so far