Which Icecrown quest lines to do, and which to skip?

I’m playing through WOTLK Timewalking to get a sense of the story that I missed in expansions I never played! However, given the lack of a “campaign quest line” as in newer expansions, I’m struggling to figure out what is relevant and what is a waste of time.

I’m about to finish up and just started Icecrown, but man there are so many potential quest lines here. Could someone help me understand which of these Icecrown quest lines are worth doing and which are skips? I know it’s a lot to look through but I’d be very grateful :smiley: I’m looking for as much Lich King story as I can get, incl. breadcrumbs for dungeons and raids.

For reference, the Wowpedia article on Icecrown quests lists them all out. I can’t put a link but, go here: wowpedia (dot) fandom (dot) com /wiki/Icecrown_quests

The Argent Vanguard storyline doesn’t directly involve the Lich King — just his minions but I feel like they set up the zone pretty well as you’re fighting your way in to set up a base with the Argent Crusade. (And it leads to the wonderful Bridenbrad questline.)

The Malykriss Hold storyline is needed to unlock many other quests (including the zone capstone quests) so it’s a must do. (Most of the other quests you get from the airship that aren’t part of the below storylines are skippable.)

The Unthinkable storyline has a Lich King appearance.

The Death’s Rise storyline gives a capstone to the Scarlet Onslaught story from Dragonblight (but isn’t Lich King related.)

The Icecrown Citadel/First Legion Forward Camp/Sindrigosa’s Fall quests are probably the meatiest bits of Icecrown story and what you’re looking for.

For the Icecrown dungeons:
For the ICC dungeons, the starter quest is from the Dark Ranger Vorel/Aprentice Nelphi in Dalaran. The rest of that series take place in the dungeons as you run through them. (Edit: Note that the story for those dungeons takes place after the rest of the quests in the zone.)

The actual quest for Trial of the Champion auto pops up in the zone once you start it, although story-wise, the Black Knight storyline from the Argent Tournament is important to the dungeon.

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This was a way better answer than what I was expecting. Thank you so much! I wish I had asked this for other zones as well. I found this kind of information really tough to find while playing through the expansion. Have you considered writing a timewalking story quest guide?