Which Heirlooms To Get?

Is armor class a thing in wrath? I only have a Shaman currently at level 80, but I have enough emblems to get the chest and shoulder heirloom stuff and I want to level a few classes to 80 before cata comes out but they’re all varying different armor classes. Like is it okay to get the melee leather heirloom pieces and give it to warriors and death knights, or the caster cloth stuff and give them to rogues, etc., etc.? I had someone in game tell me to just get the cloth stuff, but I wasn’t sure if he was just trolling so I didn’t act on it.

Get the best armor a class can wear. Note that if a class unlocks mail/plate at 40, it can equip those heirlooms before then. The game will simply downgrade the armor value for you until you train up.

Yeah, it’s fine. You can check the general tab on your character panel. It isn’t until Cata (I think) that they add the bonus to wearing full gear of the highest armor you can equip.

So not having the 0-52 bonus str per se isn’t that big of a deal during the leveling process for the two pieces it’ll be missing from?

I feel like this is a different question from what you asked originally.

You do not suffer a penalty for not wearing the maximum armor type for your class, other than having less armor. However, obviously better itemized gear is better.

Yeah, in a vacuum Drain is correct: if price is no object, mail is best for sham/hunter, leather for druid/rogue, etc.

But Snipy is right that (outside of tanks) the armor type is not really that important compared to the stats, esp. if you have limited emblems. I.e. you could buy the SP cloth for any caster/healer, or leather AP gear for any melee [or hunter]. The stats and xp bonus count more, again outside of tanks who really want the mit from armor.

Don’t forget you can also stretch your heirloom budget a bit by buying some of the PVP heirlooms in Wintergrasp which use Stonekeeper Shards.

Just buy them all. You can in wrath but once cata does come out one of the many reforms gave a bonus to stats with maxed out armor you can use. trinkets also a 2 fer 1 deal.

No, not yet. Starting Cataclysm you get boost to mastery if you stick to your armor type, but not a thing in Wrath.

So, if you only care about 20% bonus exp, get Cloth shoulders & chest and wear it on ur DK.

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Cloth chest and shoulders since you can wear them on every class for 20% bonus xp, followed by the best weapon for the class you want to level right now, followed by the trinkets that give health/mana back on kill.

If you have hundreds of emblems with nothing to buy then just buy every heirloom you can.

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It may look silly but cloth can be worn by any armor class.
Not sure how well it would work out but I am guessing you are not going to be tanking.

Always get the best armor you can. Shaman should get mail.

I actually prefer the PVP shoulder heirlooms when leveling. Still get 10% exp buff and the extra stam helps. Wintergrasp tokens have no other functional use really. Might as well load up on shoulder heirlooms.

How can you get more Emblems of Heroism after you’ve cleared the quests?

You can exchange the higher value Emblems you get from dungeons/raids into Emblems of Heroism at a vendor in the Dalaran sewers.

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You do dungeons and/or raids, and convert those tokens at the Money Changer.

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