Which class/spec has an easy time killing havoc DH's?

Absolutely nothing easily kills a DH in an open BG.

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:thinking: Most classes have always had at least 1 counter class, a “nemesis”. OP that DH don’t have any…


Monks don’t seem to have a counter class either… it’s only the original classes who had that.

Not sure why everyone’s throwing out assassination. We’re maybe too good at accomplishing certain things but a comparably geared/skilled DH is certainly favored in a 1v1 matchup. If they manage to randomly blade dance an important kidney it’s all over. They just outvalue us with their self healing and grind us down cooldown for cooldown over time.

I’d probably name ret as being a DH’s biggest threat but, I mean, a DH can just exit the fight at will if it isn’t going well for them. They’re kind of like rogues in that way. Spammy, flapping, carpal tunnel rogues.

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Can’t agree with what’s said in that thread. :man_shrugging: Not sure what more to say.

How a rogue is consistently scoring resets against the most (second most?) mobile class is the game in these scenarios doesn’t really add up. Blind is pretty much it since full kidneys are reserved for damage windows, and that’s on a 3-minute CD.

If on a DH, you find yourself being consistently kited by a rogue, it may be time to consider making a change in your life.

Crippling poison, spaced out stuns, and pilfering. It’s very doable.

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Dh is one of the easiest to beat 1v1 for me. Assa or sub.

If you have a pillar is incredibly easy

Make that your goal in 8.3. Learn how to beat a demon hunter. Humble yourself and ask some of these higher rated rogues how they are doing it. Honestly the rogue community seems like one of the more helpful ones.

I assume you guys are talking about DH in a little bg or arena setting?

In the bgs I play (mostly 40-mans), DH players just sort of “get filled full of holes” and they seem rather squishy :laughing:

About the most annoying thing a DH does is when one of them “leaps” into a clump of us and pops his AOE-stun, but that’s about it. Said DH quickly gets bursted down to like 30-40% of his health by our firing line of ranged… he rarely makes it back to his team’s deathball alive.

At the end of the match, Havoc DH is usually towards the TOP of the list in the “Deaths” column :man_shrugging:

You are talking about Arena or Dueling. Most here are talking about BG’s or WPVP, a much different encounter. A Rogue can’t stand there and go toe-to-toe with a DH for the exact reason you said, they will just wear you down. You’ve got to be more creative.

I’ve learned a lot about fighting DH’s since this video but the basics still apply, be creative.

Here is a short video that shows 2 Rogues fighting a DH and Fire Mage who were ganking people in Zandalar during a CTA about 10 months ago. I’m using it because it’s a good example and I already had it rendered so I didn’t have to do much work.

The video doesn’t start at the beginning of the fight, it took me a few seconds push the button for Bandicam.

WPVP is about winning, no rules, it’s pure guerrilla fighting. You’ll see we we’re about to get killed because I acted like an idiot and planted a flag. Otherwise the fight would not have been so hard.

When we were about to both be killed and I popped a Lightfoot Potion that allowed us to turn the fight around and kill the DH, for a second time. It’s not pretty but we got the job done.

havoc sucks for 40 mans, they dont really have a role in those

its probably the best spec in the game for 10 man maps and the easiest to play

Hey I noticed your post about facing rogues in arena.

It’s not a “how to kill” but if you can identify which pillar they’re sitting on sit on the opposite side of it. That way when they open on you they’re committed to that pillar and can’t run to another off their kidney shot.

This should increase your chances of getting a dash glaive in to trigger combat. Then save your dash for their restealth. Let them restealth, you immolation eyes dash glaive at them. If you get that off put them into chaos nova first, They’re more likely to trinket the long stun. If they trinket watch for mfd or even preemptively blade dance cause they’re not going to let you get on them. It will be very likely they kidney then.

If you dodge that kidney it’s go time. Save your meta as a gap closer on The pillar btw.

If I don’t take glaive slow try using felblade for. Gap closer as well.


Thank you for this post. It was very useful. I’m going to try dropping fel eruption for glaive snare to see if that helps some. My issue is, I usually get dotted, they stun/run, and I chase in circles until they’re healed.

Right so just food for thought a rogues biggest strength is their biggest weakness.


You need to make your push when you are on stun dr and blind is on cool down. Do whatever it takes to get on them. If they evasion stun and stand behind them. Also your best way of tagging them catching up when they pillar run is dash into a imprison. Glaive is just gunna put them in combat and they’ll kite till they drop combat. You wanna get on top of them and that’s an easy way to do that.

Immolation is sap protection it forces them open with kidney step and mfd.
blade dance to time against kidneys or blinds same for meta jump.

Also a big thing save spec for their vanish or restealth if you know you are going to get them. Don’t use it just to peek at em. Make it matter.


Might be a bit trolly but I’m curious next time one is sittin go stealth. Hit immolation aura mid map and shadowmeld. At low rating I bet the rogue walks in to sap u and gets knocked out.

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It really doesn’t make a drop of sense. Why would you give one of the most mobile and tanky melee classes these tools? Shouldn’t they go to melee specs that come up short in the mobility and survivability departments?

Vengeance or Havoc?

If Havoc, then they can be beaten by Vengeance DHs rather consistently if that vengeance DH knows his class.

If Vengeance, personally, I’ve been outplayed by some high ilvl Druids before so maybe those. (But that might be due to ilvl, not class itself, since I’ve beaten druids as well.)

I meant havoc. It is sad to me that the only counter to a class seems to be to play the same class. I was hoping for another option…