Which classes were op in MOP so I can make one when it comes out

Asking for friends obviously

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Warlocks obviously


i remember my disc priest being really good as well , and my hunter, locks top dog tho

Destruction lock was stupidly good in everything. Warlocks just had a great expansion in mop due to an overhaul to their specs from a talented dev. All three specs were great to varying degrees, but destro in particular was just extremely good. Tanky, easy to pick up, very good with all damage profiles. I’m slightly biased though…for as amazing as destro was, I enjoyed demo more in mop, it was just FUN.

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In the original MoP, it was Monks. They were the new class. WW and MW were OP as heck. Even BM Tanks were up in the top zone. But, Blizz is notorious for always making the new Class OP so people feel inclined to play them.

Don’t be a Bear.

I’d give anything to have MoP destruction back, i don’t care if they nerf the dps and we’re just mid, i just love how it felt and played.


Monks, obviously. Especially Brewmaster. Blood DK was also really strong for tanking. But monks especially were strong and capable of doing insane things like getting a 100x health shield with vengeance, pulling the entire instance of a dungeon in a CM to the boss and taking zero damage, etc.

I just remember if destro got one cast of chaos bolt on you, you were done.


Brewmaster Monk’s on MoP launch were able to one shot players left and right with touch of death due to only need more HP in number value then other players

BM hunter was solid all throughout. Once you hit haste cap on Balance druid, you could pull some pretty ridiculous numbers, especially in AoE situations.

Mage though. Mage was always OP.

Actually, go with Mage. Thinking about it now, frost was SUPER fun, especially with using AT to rack up charges + extending TW and IV.


Warlocks were top dmg. Affliction mostly.

1 million HP with void walker shield sacrifice and use up burning embers

So fun

Tier bonus was increased crit chance for dots by 100% when casting drain soul. Aff lock was better than destro on most fights

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While this has generally been true to some degree each time a new class has been introduced to the game, do bear one very important fact in mind:

When this releases, MoP Classic will start at what will officially be designated Patch 5.5 and using 5.4.8 as the basis for said patch. This isn’t going to be launch day MoP as you knew it in September of 2012 (and I should certainly HOPE not as I still have flashbacks to being stuck on the Skyfire with about a hundred people and one lone gyrocopter we were ALL trying to get on)

Out of the gate, the class balance is going to be based on the end of MoP, not the start of it. That’s not to say some of these classes aren’t going to be strong as hell even then, but there’s certainly the possibility of looking at the 5.4.8 numbers once testing gets underway and cutting things back for the start of MoP Classic if something is looking more than a little ridiculous.

Besides, that’s also falling into the trap of “playing the meta” as opposed to playing the game. All too often over the years, I’ve seen folks play a class just because that class is regarded as “the best” at that particular point in time. One of three things happens:

  • They have ZERO clue what they are doing with the class and always underperform
  • Even if they DO play the class decently, once that inevitable nerf comes, they just start this whole process over again
  • The player might not even really LIKE the class in question, but feel a need to stick with it because of it being “the best” as well as sunk cost regarding the time spent getting it leveled

Avati: be who YOU want to be in the game, not what a DPS meter and performance chart from 12 years ago says, but because it’s FUN and you ENJOY it!

Regardless of if we’re talking Classic or Retail, I promise you there’s more than enough folks that aren’t going to be total meta slaves who will shun you just because your class got dealt a bad hand in that particular expansion or patch cycle.

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Warlocks were pretty op but they needed the better trinkets from the 2 later raids before coming online. Won’t lie I’m kinda hoping they break warlock dot snapshoting so this doesn’t happen.

I think dps dks and ret pallies will probably be last and the ones to avoid, I joined mop late on my dk and it felt terrible so I quit back then.

I remember prot paladins also being able to use their bubble to remove some tank stacks mechanics which would let them solo tank some bosses.

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Fury was amazing for raids, csmash into storm bolt critting was a sick opener

Arms was amazing in pvp, that was when reckful went 74-0 or something above 3k. Rip bro

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MoP was the beginning of warlocks reign as top dps

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I don’t know if it was OP but Survival Hunter was a ranged class and easily the most fun I’ve ever had on a Hunter

Missed TBC, wrath, cata then

Cause they were always strong top dmg

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MoP Destro Lock was a thing of beauty and I can’t wait to play it again.
I also have a not entirely irrational fear that Blizz will tinker with it and change it for MoP classic