I am torn between druid, shaman, and evoker and I want to focus on 2 instead of having 3 due to lack of time. Which two would you prioritize and Why?
Balancing multiple classes can be challenging, especially when time is limited. All like all 3 and it is making it difficult to decide which to prioritize and which to leave behind.
I personally can’t stand evoker, so that’s an easy choice.
I would look at which content you enjoy the most, and then pick the 2 classes best for that content. Even transmog, again easy to leave evoker behind there as well for me.
Plus, you can always spend extra time on the third here and there, you don’t have to commit to never playing it.
What content do you wanna do? Do you care about melee DPS, tanking or healing?
In a vacuum, Druids seem to obvious to focus on since they can do every role and are usually decent to strong in most areas (RIP feral). Shamans are current FotM. Evokers are an acquired taste, but theyre fun if you like them.
I say park the druid that’s what I’m going to do. Focusing on what’s fun to play. For me that’s my frost DK, shaman, monk and mage, and prot pally for pvp. It’s still too many.
It really comes down to what you prefer, because all three classes are offering something unique.
Druids: Every play style in the game under one roof.
Evokers: Support spec, challenging healing spec, and excellent hero talents.
Shaman: Very strong right now in DPS and healing.
Again, it comes down to which one you prefer to play. Me personally, I like the Evoker out of those three choices, with Shaman being a close second. I’m not really a big fan of Druid’s hero talents, and Balance and Feral is kind of a mess.
Better transmogs. Better lore. I dont like the abilities evoker has so better playstyle. Better healing specs without a range handicap. Not a scaly boi. Insta mount/ghost wolf. Could go on but i digress
I would leave shaman behind myself. Which is kind of weird because shaman is doing really well right now across all three specs. Also I post on a shaman.
Note: if this was based only on healing specs, I would keep shaman over either of the other 2. As a complete class thought I’d keep druid and evoker.
Druid has 4 specs, and 4 unique roles. It’s the class I have the most history with. Evoker is so much fun to play, with varying degrees of effectiveness. It looks and plays unlike anything else in this game.