Which class will be most needed in vanilla?

except the 8 geared prot warriors for naxx haha


You only need a few full prot wars for 4hm, you don’t need all 8 to be full-on prot. The only Horseman that’s a tanking issue is Mograine, with his fire cleave that hurts like hell on his tank. Whoever is on rotation on Blaumeux/Zeliek at the start won’t have to worry too much about Mograine since he dies relatively fast. You don’t need the T3 bonus for all tanks either as you can use the ZG fishing reel trinket for +spell hit when you move in to taunt.

To answer the OP:

From my experience, tanks aren’t in demand for raids. Most guilds have their MT and most OTs sorted out by the time they start raiding. Healers and caster DPS are the roles that are recruited the most, especially shamans and warlocks of both factions. Warlocks are underplayed and optimal raid comps want 6-7 shamans per raid to have every melee group with WF and every caster group with Tranquil Air. You can’t go wrong with other healers or casters as well. Melees/hunters aren’t as needed and have more competition for raid spots.

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So I saw this topic and became curious myself, as what was played originally during vanilla will not be how it is now. So I took a look at some statistics from popular private servers running 1.12.

What i found surprised me… a whopping 25% of characters were warriors.
all of the dps classes were evenly represented at right around 12% give or take a few points. this includes shaman/pally
priest 8%
druid 7%

I do not see a reason those numbers would change drastically when blizzard opens up the real deal

I’ve been thinking about this and am curious because I know a lot of pallies and druids that I played with in Vanilla got a taste for legit tanking/dps later on. I’d be curious how many people still want the old wow class fantasy after having better parity later on in wow history. I’m wondering if we’ll see less pallies and druids than what vanilla originally had. We may not…but just thinking about it.

My Classic main was a feral druid. Since, like the vast majority of the playerbase, I raided very little, I only occasionally had to deal with idiots who thought I couldn’t tank.

No changes.

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by the time 1.12 hit, druids made an excellent choice for off tanks in raids…

in fact in most of the top guilds it was 4 prot wars…2 fury wars…2 feral druid as the raids 8 tanks…between their damage and brez and ability to hold better AOE agro…it was hard to argue against them when looking to maximize yours raids ability


based blueposter knows paladins and druids make great 5man tanks. Hybrid doubters eternally BTFO for all time, they may leave these forums in shame now, ty.

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heh druids were fantastic off and main tanks for bosses that had a soak or were resistance fights. the lack of being uncrushable and uncritable kinda killed it for other bosses. nothing like having your tank get pooped on in 1 - 2 hits due to a crush crit combo.

warlock is the answer btw. there will be alot less of them around than needed.

healer of any stripe other than priests is the secondary answer.

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I intend to lvl Druid first because of their ability to tank 5mans, get healing gear and respec Resto then use the gold I made to level a Warrior

On release Tanks are going to be so rare and since Druids are so easy to level (Druid can actually out level a Hunter but it takes someone who knows exactly what they are doing) I plan to sell tanking runs when I’m 60

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Of course there won’t be a shortage of warriors: BfA crapped all over the class. At least if you’re reviving Vanilla exactly as it was, we can’t be utterly screwed in that, since we were good at DPS and the only truly viable MT.

For Tanks:
Alliance: Dwarf Warrior
Stoneform was an amazing PvE racial, though Gnomes (and arguably Night Elves) are superior for PvP.

Tauren or Undead Warrior for HP bonus/War Stomp, or Will of the Forsaken and Shadow Resistance.
Orcs are an okay choice, particularly for DPS, but Hardiness is troublesome to rely on, even in PvP.

For Healers:
Alliance: Dwarf Priest
Fear Ward is nice to have, but nowhere near necessary at any stage of the game, PvP or PvE. Somewhat useful against Warlocks in PvP, but honestly, if you’re healbotting a warrior he’s going to murder them in seconds anyway.

Horde: Shaman (Tauren or Troll)
Shamans were 100% the class that Paladins never were. Paladins were trash for 90% of Vanilla and relegated to buffbots for much of PvE raiding. Shamans have more utility overall, and Purge and Earthbind Totem are godly abilities in PvP. Add into being a Tauren for War Stomp, and they’re very dangerous. Orcs tended to be picked for 2h enhancement PvP, but due to how rare and coveted CC was back then, I still think Tauren are the superior choice there.

Generating food/water, buffs, ranged DPS, and effectively utilizing multiple elements to exploit elemental weaknesses of Vanilla enemies/raid bosses? You also Polymorph for CC. In PvP, you can go Frost, because Frost has infinite CC forever, or you can be PoM/Pyro (3m Mage) and instantly kill someone every 3 minutes that isn’t wearing Rank 12~ armor.


Hunters. Shadowmeld, trapping, and being a nimble class in general. In PvP, Stoneform is probably better, but I always preferred Shadowmeld for defensive purposes, as well as being very useful for going AFK in the open world when flagged. Flare can also be useful in some places, and hunters are the kite-gods with Aspect of the Cheetah.

Believe it or not, rogues are good. Good DPS, CC, cleave, threat dropping (something shared with hunters), but they’re a liability on certain raid bosses (fking Vaelastrasza the Corrupt). Poisons are useful, and they have useful defensives and can bring disarm via Riposte, depending on your spec. Rogues are versatile, though it depends on your spec. Beware, though, as you’ll have loot competition with warriors and hunters.

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I’m pretty sure Warriors are the only tank with a taunt in classic. Considering that tanks are always in short supply, and only one tank in classic can legitimately tank, I’m going to say prot warrior will be highest in demand.

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He means there will be an over abundance of warriors and rogues, so pick something else, like priest.

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Pretty sure Orcs were better for PvP because of the Stun resist… as they were for pretty much any class they can be in PvP. Nothing like having a Rogue fail hard because you resisted their opener.

Druids did too.

I really don’t get why everyone is saying Prot warrior… they are completely unneeded in 5 mans (vs. Arms or Fury) and you only need a handful in raiding guilds. A server doesn’t need 25% Prot warriors, it may need 25% tanks total (Feral, Prot Paladin, all 3 Warrior specs).

You may be sure, but you’re wrong; druids in bear form have identical taunts to warriors.

Humans are superior in PvE with the +5 weapon skill.

If you continue to be a mage going into Classic, you will be sought after heavily, even outside of raids. Portals were a big deal back then because flying had not been introduced, yet. I plan to enter Classic as a mage because there is just so many benefits to playing one.

Tanks and healers. Prot warriors, resto druids, resto shamans, holy priests, holy paladins. Those are the most desired classes for raiding, the rest of them are fairly common and there will be tons of them to go around. (Mages, fury warriors, rogues, hunters, warlocks, etc.)

Rogues dumped on shamans, Orc or not. They only have 2 stuns they use against you, and they won’t need both to kill you. (Cheap Shot, Kidney Shot, Gouge, Blind, Evasion, Sprint, Vanish, Preparation, Riposte–you stand not chance against a rogue on equal footing.) War Stomp is more reliable than Hardiness for getting damage out.

Avoiding that stun throws off the rogue completely. They can’t stun lock you when you resist the Cheap Shot and/or the Kidney Punch… that is far, FAR more useful than a Warstomp -> Lesser Healing Wave in 99% of all encounters. And yes, you shouldn’t be using Warstomp to get damage off at all, but to get a heal off.

Blind is removed by Poison Cleansing Totem, Evasion is countered by kiting and/or being Elemental (the better PvP spec); same with Riposte (if the Rogue even has it in a PvP build). Have a shield on, resist the stuns, and play smartly and suddenly you don’t get dumped on all that often.

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