Which Class Makes the Best Swordsman?

Human warrior.
No contest.
The most chad race along with the chad class

well if you want to be a swordsman the rogue class has a specialization specifically for swords

Paladins, and Hunters can also wield swords (Hunters can Dual Wield them), and make use of them for melee attacks.

Warrior (particularly Human Warrior) was my initial thought too, but Rogue could also be a good Swordsman, imo.

If not Human, then I suppose Rogue has an edge over Warrior in regards to being a swordsman.

only reason i say rogue is because warrior is better, but when u play warrior everyone is always going to want you to be able to tank, which some people might find exhausting, others not so much. at least as a rogue you can kind of chill in the background and just focus on hitting big numbers while staying low on threat.

That’s a fair point. Very early on in Classic, I had a strong preference, while leveling for melee cleaves, and I think that was because it didn’t really matter who was tanking.

In Classic, maintaining aggro as a tank is significantly harder than in Retail, though I’m not sure if it’s particularly important.

Having spent some time healing, I have a hard time accepting that people (in 5 man instances) die to threat, rather than lazy heals.

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The funny thing about people saying “going human warrior for sword racial” is that everyone else already thought that first hence why like 90% of warriors on Alliance are human, and that you’ll end up competing with that all of those other human warriors and many sword rogues for the same rare sword drops like Maladath, Ancient Qiraji Ripper and CTS.

It’s pretty common to see a completely decked out human warrior still using weapons from the last tier because they either can’t get swords to drop or there is too much competition.

Meanwhile every other warrior will just get free weapons that are actually better than swords at their equivalent tier like Crul’Shorukh, Deathbringer, Pugio, Blessed Qiraji War Axe, Death’s Sting etc… just because they were willing to snag an Expert Goldminer’s Helmet or Edgemaster’s Handguards.

The +sword skill racial also becomes redundant in less than a week when Naxx comes out and one of the best one-handers in the game happens to be a sword with +6 sword skill on it for the people that are actually trying to fully optimize.

At least on Horde side there’s a lot more diversity for warriors for the people that decided to go Orc for Axe skill. There’s a lot of Tauren and Troll warriors too but on Alliance side it’s literally like 80-90% human.

What do you yall think about paladin?

Do not recommend paladin, if you are looking for a swordsman type class. Paladin can use swords, but they are not close to being a swordsman. They actually dont have an ability that causes their weapon to attack when pressed. Their spells just enhance what their auto-attacks will do.

I’d say make a Human for the sword racial. It does make a weird difference.

As for classes that could BE a good swords-person, you can go with:

  1. Human Warrior (easy)

  2. Human Rogue (easy)

  3. Human Paladin (easy to meduim depending on where you put your 30 or 31 points into)

  4. Human Warlock with a Firestone and Voidwalker out (FUN).

In classic? They can make great healers. In general, they should stay away from sharp objects; they are far better at closing wounds than opening them. FAR better.

If you like seeing things die extremely quickly, pick a warrior. If you like seeing things die pretty quickly, pick a rogue. If you like watching someone else kill things, pick a paladin.

I dunno, Maladath and CTS are pretty easy to snag these days. I grabbed a Maladath while specced daggers just because no one else needed it, and AQR is actually not as good as a CTS for a Warrior. I’d also snag a CTS if it would ever drop, because no one needs that one either. It’s just been really stubborn and won’t drop lol.

Warrior, human.

Everything else is gimmick.

That’s on Horde side my rogue is on Horde too and I already know how much easier it is to get swords on Horde. Some guilds have horrible RnG and only see Maladath or CTS once every few months if that and yet will have almost all of their melee DPS needing at least CTS on Ally side.

I might be wrong but my understanding is that BiS mainhand sword for fury warrior in descending order for phase 5 is:

  1. Grand Marshall/HWL Longsword
  2. AQR
  3. CTS
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dude lol I have yet to see Maladath drop

That’s me with the CTS lol

update I chose human warrior :b

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Then get out there and kill some spiders, Private.

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You have chosen… wisely.


I don’t know what server you’re on, but if you happen to be on Bloodsail Buccaneers, drop me a message.

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I think that’s a good call honestly. I know people usually prefer 2h swords (fury till 30 then arms for sweeping strikes) but if you’re like me and enjoy hitting fast and gaining rage more smoothly, fury is actually the way to go.

Either way, I believe you’ll not regret the choice of warrior over rogue because of how their rage vs energy mechanics work. From a roleplaying standpoint the warrior does feel a bit more of a bruiser since you gain more rage the more you hit and the better your gear gets the more rage you generate. That is to say, it’s a very rewarding play style. Rogue on the other hand uses energy that ticks back up consistently as you use it, leading to a more finesse/controlled swordsman play style. While the rogue can be fun for a sneaky backstabber or even a swashbuckler, the warrior is more freewheeling hack and slash fun.

Mage of course.