Which class has the highest skill cap?

Melee: Rogue
Range DPS: Mage
Healer: They’re all pretty close , except HPAL being noticeable easier. If I had to choose one I would go with disc priest.

It’s worth mentioning that balance really throws off people’s perception of skill required. A class being overpowered lowers the skill floor, but not the skill ceiling. These 3 classes offer opportunities for flashy , game winning , high skill cap plays .

This thread is actually awesome – thanks for all the good, non-troll (majority anyway) posts. I was also pleased to hear spriest and healing priests in the running, which makes me want to consider sticking to my priest.

Second up I think I’d be between a rogue and warrior for skill cap – I know they’re both really strong right now, and that’s typically a bad time to invest in a class, but I’ll probably land somewhere on those two as my melee slot. If anyone has a consideration between warrior and melee as a primary alt as likely a casual, let me know! I’m really interested in what class is more viable to help my guildies.