Which class has the highest skill cap?

Just pick a class you’re interested in if you’re looking for a main. :roll_eyes:

dh unironically takes more skill in the year of our lord 2021 than mage. One has to use mobility and press defensives preemptively or die insta, the other has triune ward. Choose yer fighter

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Not sure why you care.

Play what you find enjoyable. You’re nowhere near the skill cap.

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Not really sure gimmick is a good word to describe this sentiment, but I do agree with the sentiment.

Wat lol
Mage is certainly nowhere near the skillcap it used to be but this is just delusional.

This class is probably already said, but it’s whatever class I am currently playing and I see other people playing at a higher level… I mean obviously that class has the highest skill cap.

Not rogue. Nothing hard about it anymore

Always a joy aren’t you?

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you said

so my question again are you saying Warriors are one shot gimmicks? How so?

Just being honest and pointing someone in the right direction.


As in hard to play.
Or as in, hard to succeed with, because no balance team?

this is a meme

if you’re not convoke you’re just trolling


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Rdruid has traditionally been the highest skillcap spec imo. Night and day difference between main and alt druids, even at a r1 multiclasser level

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nobody plays feral and thats why it hasnt been mentioned

How has no one said demo lock? Outside 1 season in mop demo has always been the lock spec that takes the most skill to play.

Specs like Demo, Surv, Feral see very little play and aren’t popular at all, people dont understand what they do or how they play so its not getting any mentions.

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Highest skill cap per role, in my noob opinion:

Healer - RDruid
Ranged DPS - Spriest
Melee DPS - Feral

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survival hunter.

it depends.

Warriors for example, there’s a big difference between simple 3k warriors and best warriors in the game. Even tho the class is retarded rn and there are many 3k+ warriors that would be stuck 2.5k normally, watching a GOOD warrior play you notice such a difference it’s insane. It doesn’t require much skill to play, but it’s ceiling is really high. That also applies to ww imo.

Besides that, rsham, disc/holy priests and rdruids have huge skill caps. Watching a good rdru such as Minpojke move all the time, get stuns from re stealths and bashes, cycloning offensively, and all that while also keeping dots up on your partners, is truly amazing to watch.

Good hunters are also a pleasure to watch, as well as really good spriests like wizk.

Lastly, current aff locks are really hard to play, you need to kite extremely well or you’re completely useless.

I think all or at least most of the classes i said don’t take that much skill to be played (shadowlands lmfao), but their skill ceiling is really high so the difference between a decent player and an AMAZING player on those classes is incredibly huge.

I’m 2.7+ and x3 glad as rsham, been 2.7 this season too, and i’d consider myself to be pretty good, but when I watch Absterge play his sham I realize i’m actually just a decent player lol there’s so much more left to reach it’s ceiling its insane.