Which class has the highest skill cap?

yeah when you roll the dice and it decides whether you get the kill or not is huge skill.


It can be really dependent on what people are used to playing. If you’ve always played ranged for example, melee is automatically going to be harder to pick up as it comes with a completely different playstyle/point of view. Anyone whos never played a healer before will have a difficult time picking it up as well. etc, etc.

But just arbitrarily the highest skill ceiling? Probably rogue. People will love to disagree with that but the reality is, with the uniqueness of their toolkit, rogues have an almost untouchable skill ceiling and pretty much always have.

Others in the debate - Mages, Warlocks, Monks, DH. Pretty much any class with Multi CC capabilities and high mobility/escape potential. Playing against people extremely good at leveraging their mobility and/or escape potential well is always noticeable.

You got me with the key stroke, I apologize good sir.

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Just pick a class you’re interested in if you’re looking for a main. :roll_eyes:

dh unironically takes more skill in the year of our lord 2021 than mage. One has to use mobility and press defensives preemptively or die insta, the other has triune ward. Choose yer fighter

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Not sure why you care.

Play what you find enjoyable. You’re nowhere near the skill cap.

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Not really sure gimmick is a good word to describe this sentiment, but I do agree with the sentiment.

Wat lol
Mage is certainly nowhere near the skillcap it used to be but this is just delusional.

This class is probably already said, but it’s whatever class I am currently playing and I see other people playing at a higher level… I mean obviously that class has the highest skill cap.

Not rogue. Nothing hard about it anymore

Always a joy aren’t you?

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you said

so my question again are you saying Warriors are one shot gimmicks? How so?

Just being honest and pointing someone in the right direction.


As in hard to play.
Or as in, hard to succeed with, because no balance team?

this is a meme

if you’re not convoke you’re just trolling


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Rdruid has traditionally been the highest skillcap spec imo. Night and day difference between main and alt druids, even at a r1 multiclasser level

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nobody plays feral and thats why it hasnt been mentioned

How has no one said demo lock? Outside 1 season in mop demo has always been the lock spec that takes the most skill to play.

Specs like Demo, Surv, Feral see very little play and aren’t popular at all, people dont understand what they do or how they play so its not getting any mentions.

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