Which Cat Pet For Night Elf Hunter?

I guess lore wise cats as hunter pets are most common but which in game cat pet do you think complements and goes best with the Night Elf hunter?

The one they start with maybe.

Otherwise I’d say a black colored Nightsaber. Just seems to fit better as they would be almost impossible to see at night. Look on Petopia for ideas.

This is, of course, a looks suggestion and not a practical use suggestion. Cats are not a good pet for any content. Usable, but not good.

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Not good you say? Hmmmm well then what are the best pets for Marksman and for Beast Hunter?

Practically, use Scalehide for MM/SV and Clefthoof/Spirit Beast for BM. Visually, use a Nightsaber or just a Cat for NE.

My favorite cat is the dark grey/black nightsaber from the new Darkshore. Looks great with a NE hunter.

Too bad there’s better pets, mechanically. :frowning:

I agree on the Nightsaber. First toon I made was a hunter back when the game started out. I still have that pet.