Which arena forum poster would you want to mentor you?

:dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:
would it be kenny? or amatox? or even whats his name?
Who would you choose to be youre our arena teacher?

Cool thread but now its mine

would it be kenny? or amatox? or even whats his name?
Who would you choose to be youre our arena teacher?

Comment down below using my reply button

:dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:
and smash that like and subscribe button :flushed: :flushed: :flushed:

I’m already subscribed to Slayer Gaming but you haven’t been keeping up with the content my guy :sob:


I don’t think there’s any good players who post on these forums regularly enough for me to name someone.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
oh wow!

Two chicks at the same time, maaaaan.


There’s obviously Petkick, Dorito, Bigdam but they don’t post here that often and wouldn’t consider them to be forum posters.

none of the Rank 1s post here i wonder why that is??? hmmmm :confused: :confused:

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The only two players I’ve ever met who generally do well that may have the patience and temperament to actually mentor someone is Flapz and Nasrajin.

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Maybe mentor someone to rival lol

why did you run away and stop posting here. i member you used to post here like every minute lmao. did you get banned or whatever?

Got bored of every post being ‘am I above average,’ or people turning every post into a Swole bashing session. Seems to have calmed down some.


what lol? it hasnt calmed down at all son. are you sniffing copium?? :mask:

On the bright side, centuries from now when some hobbyist is unearthing old internet archives, maybe you’ll be celebrated as some sort of 21st century Charlie Chaplin.

selling flapz short

the 1000 games he’s played at rival TWO already this season tells me he could do at least that

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How could you possibly know that? Do you actually keep tabs on everyone? You must be the reason I have 1500 PvP checks on my profile.


I’d pick Jim (rip) for one to have him back and for two something tells me he can make a mean pasta. I usually just boil the noodles that look the coolest

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Friends close moonkin players closer


Not sure if it’s the vodka but this made me chuckle for some reason.


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