Which are the easiest Mystic + to run in Season 4?

Which are the easiest Mystic + to run in Season 4

Probably AV or AA, but really, every dungeon has its trouble spots. We’ll have a clearer picture, and things will be a bit easier in a few weeks when people get more geared (and in many cases, remember what the heck to do). Tuning is just really tough for anyone jumping straight into M+ that isn’t 480+. Heck, there are plenty of bosses on +2 that are barely survivable if you aren’t at least in the 470’s (depending on class of course)

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So far Brackenhide is my highest timed.

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Brackenhide will be the easiest because it got hit hard with nerfs in S2 and they reworked it even more for this season.

AA sucks due to Veximus still being overpowered and the Treeboss still doing absurd amounts of groupwide damage.

I feel vault is the easiest by far, the timer is just really lenient.

Have they fixed the issue of suicidal tanks pulling the first 5 trash packs together? Falling in the ravine while trying the risky bridge skip? Stack poison to 10+? Pull Warband with zero healer CDs ready for the ravage? Ignore final boss’s totems?
Maybe there were objectively harder dungeons, bosses, and trash with greater damage and more complex mechanics in season 2- but no other dungeon brought out the stupid like Brackenhide did in my pugs.

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I feel like a big chunk of BH’s difficulty resided in 2 places:

First boss bleed that goes out a few seconds into the fight and every minute after. Need defensive and healer cooldowns.

Killing the totem in time on the last boss and never touching the cloud so that hard hitting dot never gets on anyone.

Tree boss is free and the wolf boss guy is pretty easy. Most of the trash isn’t too bad if people don’t let the fear go off.


Correct on the bosses.
But I had more difficulty on trash than any boss, and in particular the first pull and the middle bridges area. Middle area because some folks wanted to try the bridge jump to skip the bears, and someone (me, more often than I care to admit) fell, or pulled the bear anyway; or else tried to thread between the pats and got caught on the short ledge, butt-pulling the pats.
But by far the worst experience was always the first trash pull. Every tank wanted to skip the first pat and jump down into the mosh pit on the left, below the cliff. Trouble was, the mosh pit was a death trap of whirlwinds and several of those mobs focusing a non-tank, so ranged never wanted to stay down there, so the pats got butt-pulled, so the next 2-3 groups hanging out down the road also got pulled, and a 7 mob pull turns into 14 mob pull and a wipe. And it could all be avoided by just pulling the pat and dealing with it first. Doesn’t even affect timer, had too many instances of barely getting these skips off and reaching the final boss with trash % still unfinished, so we had to double back and take on the tougher, and yet more skippable, cave packs.

BH is a key that was honestly easier the bigger you intended to go. I think first pull we did run to the left, grab the side pack, pull 3 more packs and blow it all up. Because everything was controlled and intentional there was space to kite if need be that didn’t end up butt pulling anything. Nothing in BH is worth any count either, you have to pull a LOT of stuff.

Blizzard actually did proper tuning for this key, and then they gave the Chef’s Kiss by nerfing the Rot area trash (I’d have like to seen the knoll side nerfed for options on routes, but whatever).

Rot quarter used to have necrotic breath being an interruptible but AOE effect that could wipe the group. Now it’s an interruptible cone. Same thing with Stinkbreath

Azure Vault for sure. They finally nerfed Umbreskul to be fair to melee.

Brackenhide Hollow - Despite the trash buffs, this place is still not very stressful to run if everyone is working together with CC/interrupts, and the last boss is kited properly.

Ruby Life Pools - Melidrussa and Kyrakka nerfs are great, but I still think Kyrakka is one of the worst dungeon bosses they’ve ever made. It still sucks for melee, and you still need to do the cheese to force Kyrakka to land in the same spot for melee, otherwise the fight is 9000% harder/longer. Kokia still annihilates certain tank specs. The protodrake trash nerfs are good. Those things used to be actual bosses in and of themselves.

Algeth’ar Academy - Easy on low keys, but Vexamus (and sometimes the Ancient) are straight key killers on high Tyrannical if your comp isn’t stacked for AoE on the latter, or have a meta healer on the former. Vexamus could stand to be nerfed a little.

Nokhud Offensive - The nerfs got this place to a more reasonable difficulty. The trash buffs mean you have to pay more attention to the burial grounds enemies and how they’re handled, but Balar Khan is no longer the great wall he once was. Nothing about this key is free, but your efforts of coordination feel more meaningful.

AV is very easy, especially on fort if your CC is good since the trash really only beats up the tank.

RLP isn’t terrible on fort if the CC is good and your healer is strong

Havent done BH this week yet but it strikes me as a key that can either be ezpz or agony depending on your group’s competence

tyran vexamus was brutal in S1 and was an rdruids kryptonite. they probably deal with it better now but i havent tried AA on my druid.