Thank god. Undermine will not be 4 faction, 4 zone, 1 raid, 8 m+ dungeons like we had in the past. I thought they were going to mix it up and instead we are getting;
4 factions
4 zones
1 raid
8 m+ dungeons.
Ok, how would you prefer the patch to go? People always cry about the formula blizzard offers while never having a solution of their own, or if they do it’s usually so bad everyone clowns on it.
I would like it to go, differently. Like you are playing a new game and not replaying with a different skin. There are 1000s of games out there to look at and draw inspiration from. I would like them to simply, be original.
They literally said this is the formula they use now. It makes for more consistent content and updates, unless you want to go back to a year of nothing lol.
Yeah, I think people just want more but don’t think about the effects. No one wants 20 hours added onto an RPG that would be great at 15. Not every works with an open world so big it takes 40 mins to run from end to end. Sometimes less is more