Whether you're for or against the instance limit

Seriadyn, I’d love to hear that you don’t use a single addon in the game.

Must be a poor show that you need addons for raiding and many other things you probably do in game but poor you can’t use a addon to track your instances.

Let me guess you have questie installed? DBM? Gathermate? Probably some UI, Cast bars, Mobs health but god forbid you use a addon that will help enhance your game play by keeping track of your instance count for you.

And the person that spent their time creating the aura for everyone to use, shame on them.

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Why do you think I have anything against addons?

I’m saying that blizzard should be providing the tools to keep track of things like instance lockouts, they already do it for raid lockouts, why not dungeons?
My issue is that with this change people need to get a 3rd party system to track this at all, there’s no way to track it in the base game.

Addons should be a matter of convenience and enhancement not a matter of being able to do or see something at all

For instance all the addons I use are just trackers of things I can figure out on my own just fine, I’d just rather have the information be more apparent or have reminders.
DBM doesn’t play the raid for me it just warns me of upcoming mechanics, my disenchanting addon just tells me what an item can DE into so I don’t have to go look it up, Questie lets me be lazy with quests without having to look it up, itemrack lets me switch gear fast.
It’s convenience, not necessity.


This is where your confusing the “people need” with “personal issues”.

No one Needs a counter, the mass majority of the player base will never hit the 30cap in a day (unless they’re doing arena spams or something simular) and those that do farm instances that hard already run a few addons and likely already use weakaura as it is.

If you can’t figure out a way to manually count to 30 (pen and paper?) and refused to use a addon to do that for you then all I can suggest is “a c ‚ c ÇÈ ‚ f 30”

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I dunno what to say other than that my lived experience is that it’s kinda hard to keep track how many times you’ve hit that ‘reset instance’ button after a while.

Most I’ve done is like a 10-15 reset run of Mara to farm gold for profession materials off of the AH and I couldn’t for the life of me tell you exactly how many runs I did, when you get into a rhythm it kind of just blends together.


Ok great now we’re back to the start.

Let me go a bit more in depths.

curseforge . com/wow/addons/weakauras-2/files
Make sure you use the one that has “classic” on it.

wago . io/1Zqr-ccR4
for the instance counter.

There are also a lot of auras you may find very helpful on the wago site that you’ll like. You can share auras in Guild, Party and Raid chats by shift clicking to link them as if you were linking an item.

If you don’t want to use the tools(API that Blizzard lets us use) that’s your choice but Blizzard owes us nothing in regards to a counter when it’s already accessible in the API.


I know what weakauras is, I use weakauras, you’re not listening.
You are saying to use an addon to track this information, I am saying there should not be a need to use an addon.


I give up, you use weakaura already, I gave you the simple solution but you refuse to accept that it’s just that easy.

There’s a reason why theres no need and it’s along the same lines as to why DBM, Threat Meters, Questie are not in house.

They do, it’s in the API, if they didn’t want to provide it then they would have prohibited it like they’ve done with a lot of things over the years.

Woooooooooooooooosh so much woooooosh


Then use the scrip manually.

I disagree. In fact, I would prefer a 3rd party addon. There’s more likely to be a range of choices on which one you want to use and what features are offered. Not to mention it’s more likely to be updated and modified based on player feedback.

Come on. Think about it for a minute.
Blizz doesn’t have the resources available to make all these changes.
The bare minimum is all you’re going to get and you will have to rely on the community making addons for the game for the features you want.

With D4, OW2 and SL, three big money makers, coming down the pipe, there isn’t much left for classic which nets them 0.

I just use a piece of paper and I tally my instance counts, works just fine for me.

Do the tallies disappear after 24h or do you right down the time as well sir?

Is it even clear whether it’s in a fixed 24 hour cycle or 24 hours since the last instance you entered after your last 24 hour reset?

How about we just revert this poorly thought out change by the incompetent developers at Activision since its entirely antithetical to promising no changes and doesn’t address the problem its supposedly addressing (botting)?

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I would like to know how I’m losing a lockout randomly. I do literally 4 resets and boom locked out (24 hour fresh) with too many instances. This has happened twice. Am I doing 10 instances and getting dinged for 12? WHAT THE EFF IS GOING ON.

I strong disagree. WoW is not a game designed for “the tiny group of players who are exactly like you”. In other words, Classic is not a custom game designed for YOU. Why should Blizzard add a feature that 99% of players NEVER USE? They shouldn’t. They won’t. You are not special.

Instead Blizzard provides a robust API allowing tens of thousands of addons. That let’s EACH player CHOOSE exactly what features they want and what features they don’t want.

If the game included ALL of those features, the menu would be too huge to find anything. AND the game would be much larger. AND release dates would slip by months.

No, Blizzard was BRILLIANT by putting all “optional features” in addons.

Doesn’t the WA have quite a bit of inaccuracy? How does it handle being signed off and back on - does it cache total runs over a rolling 24 regards of being logged on?

If they let us have access to it in the API then we’d have an addon for it already.

Likely because it is one of those things that will only be used by a very small portion of WoW players. The same portion that probalby uses a lot of addons already to optimize play. You’ve already said you use Weak Auras. Blizzard provided the API for the information, the Weak Aruas author provided a solution.