Where's your Hearthstone set to?

No dalaran hearthstone?

Boralus, usually it’s in the Old Town in Stormwind, if we get a unique hearthstone ie Legion and WoD, but this expansion it’s center of everything needed.

main hub, across the board

except for a couple of alts that i don’t really play but want in on the big chunk exp have theirs set to IF for easier return from greench quest

Arathi Highlands because I used to do a lot of RP in gilneas and that area and as a mage I never bothered to change it since.

Snug Harbor Inn or the Great Seal. Though my Hunter used to have it on Vulpera Hideaway until I finished up Exalted with Voldunai.

Snug Harbor Inn/The Great Seal for my characters in BfA areas. Otherwise, I set it to Orgimmar/Stormwind for my other characters.

Mine is set to Boralus

Wyrmrest Temple, used to be set to Darnassus but ya know…So I have it set to a frozen wasteland until I find an equally nature filled place.

The inside of a marble?

hearth is set to Salty Sailor Tavern. +1 to someone who knows location without searching.

Zandalar. It’s a decent spot to get to almost anywhere in the game with it’s access to org :slight_smile: working on draenor atm, never got flying to working my way through the quest part atm