Where's your Hearthstone set to?

After bailing on BFA, mines set to the Argent Tournament in Icecrown since I’m working on those achieves/mogs.

Where’s yours set to?

Good Ol’ Boralus.

Easy access to the portals but I think I may go and work on the older stuff over the next few weeks.

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On this toon, the Snug Harbor in Boralus, but only because I enjoy farming WQ.

On my druid, I’ve already given up on BfA content, and she’s got her hearth set to One Keg in Pandaria for Sha of Anger/Mogu’shan Vault runs. My pally will soon be joining her there, while my monk will return to Outland to finish reaching exalted with those factions, and my other hunter (who is currently level 85) will finish questing in Pandaria before retiring to grind rep in Northrend.

Have tabard that goes there, at least my Hunter does :wink:

So we all have hearth set to BoreAllUs.

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You need the Tabard!

Mine is set to The Great Seal (Horde) and Boralas (Alliance).

All my Mains are engineers, so they can travel anywhere.

If only we could have multiple hearthstones or designate each toy to somewhere different.

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Isn’t the tabard one of those stupid things where they changed it to require exalted to get? Or was this before they made that stupid change.


I’ll change it whenever I get the King mini and R4 Purification Protocol.

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We do, I even still abuse my Garrison one for them pet tokens and teleport to Ashran.

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I’m not sure, I’ve had mine since Wrath.

I couldn’t find any info on rep-requirements.

I think that one just requires badges.


I’m a mage so I tend to have more freedom in which to place my hearthstone. Atm it’s set to Hardwrench Hideaway in STV. I’ve been popping in every so often on 3rd hours for a shot at the Gurubashi Arena chest. It’s amazing how ferociously people are still fighting over that thing 15 plus years later.

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My few alliance toons are set to Boralus, almost all my horde toons are set to the Seal, my horde mages are set to the Port though… so they get to actually hearth back to turn in Honorbound emissaries while the other toons have to return to an npc to get them back. Stupid city should have been destroyed in the raid and left us in make shift buildings at the port.

on this character it’s still set for Gadgetzan, for hawking stuff thru the old Goblin AH. now that i have a Caravan Brtuosaur, i’ll change it someday

The horde camp from the expansion prelaunch that reverted back into a furlbog den.

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The Dalaran that’s hovering above the Broken Shores since I haven’t gotten all the Legion related mounts yet.

I’m surprised that’s still usable. Does anything in particular happen, or just teleport and load in?

The great seal, its right next to the portal room which also leads to the Orgrimmar portal room so easy access to anywhere in game.

Mine’s been set the Shrine since MoP. I’ve got my garrison hearthstone, the Legion-Dalaran hearthstone, the ring for Northrend-Dalaran, the ring for Boralus, and the cape for Stormwind.

Just teleport right in front of their den. Nothing else there