Where's Wrathion?

Just seems silly to me that they can be literally attached at the hip for like 3 expansions(away from their people for a lot of it) but now, when she’s in serious trouble, he just nopes right out.


It is a meme. And a bad one.

They probably already had the conversation that she was going. He needs to rebuild and lead their people.


For the first time in 10,000 years since he’s been sleeping up until now.

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Clearly he has a mistress. When the wife’s away Malfurion can play. :smirk:

Plus Shandris did come to the SL so he likely left watching over Tyrande to her.

Well, we was kinda trapped. Not his fault. And he’s been doing the leadership thing since Cata. Mostly in the background.

No he wasn’t, not the first time. He and the other druids slept for 10,000 years up until the third war, when tyrande woke them up. That was entirely a “you got this babe? Cool I’m gonna take a quick nap, see you in 10k” on his end


All of this, really. Why have all these characters if you’re only going to use a handful of them at a time? Especially when some of them could actually help but they’re just… not there?

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Also concerned where some of the most powerful beings in our world are, such as Malfurion, Khadgar, Turalyon, Alleria, and Velen when we are fighting the literal god of death. I guess they just aren’t important enough right now to help.

hes angry he wasnt the first one to control anduin.

It’s really not.


Wrathion needs to find his man quick, Sylvanas is trying to seduce him! She is already picking out his wardrobe!


Yup, because that was part of the deal in becoming druids. They had to be in the Dream.

It’s preteen level bad fan fiction turned into an even worse joke.


The head writer for Anduin herself said this relationship is purely between friends, or they were friends then.


Malfurian probably went " Good the wife has gone out and now I can finally take a nap for 10,000 years"

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I’m pretty sure Wrathion, like all the other Dragons, can’t help in the Shadowlands. Their power is tied to Azeroth, and in the Black Dragons case that’s quite literal. The only dragons who’ll be helping us in the Lands Beyond are Ysera and the other dragons who’ve died

It certainly got me to leave the game for 8 months.

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Stop… How many times do we have to explain how gross and wrong this is. Anduin is straight, Wrathion is not even 10 years old yet, and inherently Wrathion is a BEAST.


And sewing capes. Always sewing capes.

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Funny how people say Wranduin is a meme but not Anduin/Taelia.
Taelia has the personality of a brick.

People keep bringing that up. I’m aware of her tweets. She also said she has no control over the characters and that all Anduins are good Anduins.