Where's the quests?

I’m a Night Elf that left Darnassus at level 11 and made my way to Stormwind to play with friends. We started in Westfall and are currently level 15 but my quest log has like 3 quests in it. Without grinding there is no way I’m going to get 5 more levels in Westfall.

Where should I go now? Redridge Mountains @ 15? Loch Modan? Something else?

I’ve never really been quest starved before so this is kind of odd. (We started shortly after BC was released and quit at then end of WotLK — played a little bit during WoD and did the Panda thingy)

Never remember this being an issue? Is this a thing?

I know about Questie add-on :wink:

go to a different zone get some quests. Hop around

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I would suggest Loch Modan and/or Darkshore. I prefer Darkshore after doing the first few Loch Modan quest

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Probably Loch Modan, then Redridge. That would be the safest bet level-bracket wise. You could always go back to the night elven zones and experiment with Darkshore, but I’ve always preferred the Dwarven and Human ones myself.

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In Classic it’s generally expected you hop around a lot, so this sort of thing will become pretty standard for you leveling up.

Especially with the Human lands since they have Redridge and Westfall both being options for level ~15.

There’s also Loch Modan, or if your friends want to make the run back to the Night elf lands there is Darkshore.

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while questing you’re going to end up finding yourself doing quests in like 2-3 zones at any given time. at that level I was also doing quests in westfall and darkshore but was also playing solo more.
also a lot of quests like to be hidden, and they don’t appear on the minimap so you never know that they’re hidden. so make sure to explore all the nooks and cranny’s of buildings you see in case there’s a quest there!

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The original game wasn’t designed to level up in one zone and then completely leave it to go to another. That’s why there are breadcrumb quests which lead you to other zones, you’re supposed to level a bit in one, switch to another, then come back to finish off the zone.

As people have mentioned, a great place to go in your mid-teens is Loch Modan. I usually head out there around level 13 or so, then back to Westfall at 16.

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We have the flight plan to get to Menethil Harbor and take the boat to Darkshore but our human friends would probably need to make the Wetlands crocodile run to get there. :smile:

One of the issues we are having in Westfall now is all the mobs on the west in the south are like 3 levels above us all. We’re taking them down as group of 4 but its not optimal when you need 15 items from them etc. (each of us)


Your leveling speed is reduced significantly in groups of higher than two. If you could find out how to split up into groups of two and two while still hanging out with your friends (like maybe occasionally swapping parties, and creating one group of four occasionally to defeat very difficult quests and monsters), you’re leveling journey would likely flow much smoother. If you are intent on remaining in the one big group, I would relocate to Loch Modan and gain a few levels there before coming back to Westfall and the Deadmines.

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Sounds like we are headed to Loch Modan and then Darkshore until we get to 20 or 21 and then we can come back to slap some Murlocs and do Deadmines. :smile:

Thanks everyone that has replied :+1:

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Don’t bother with Darkshore, you’re best off doing the Loch then finishing Westfall and doing DM. Then on to Redridge and Wetlands. Don’t forget to collect alcohol on the way!

Dry Times

Barkeep Daniels of Lakeshire needs a keg of Thunderbrew Lager, a cask of Merlot, a bottle of Moonshine and a skin of Sweet Rum.

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Classic isn’t as much of a Theme Park. There are no velvet ropes to stay within. Heck, there’s not even a tour guide. You can get a souvenir pet bird in Booty Bay, though.


I guess its going to depend on if we make it to 20 or 21 in Loch Modan. :wink:

You can finish Westfall off by about 18 and do DM, then Redridge until about 21 or so, then Wetlands.

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Surprised no one has mentioned it yet, but westfall and redridge are specifically designed for you to hop back and forth between them. Gryan stoutmantle gives you a lvl 15 quest to go to redridge, this is the hint to go lvl there for a bit as the remaining westfall quests are higher lvled.


Elwynn Forest, Stormwind, and Duskwood too. They are very intertwined.

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