leveling a new alt as i dont have tww yet wheres the level 70 pvp gear at? looked in val nothing
Right across and a bit past the Blacksmith area. Which is down the ramp from the AH
it is directly on the map to the right of the big “The Obsidian Enclave” building. looks like a small archway
gladiators refuge has no level 70 gear in it i just looked
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They usually get rid of the 70 honor gear i believe when a new expac come out.
You could check the pvp vendor in dragonflight.
Edit: Just checked all gone.
Looks like auction house. Or have a guildie power you through some level 70 dungeons, or the followers i think you can do level 70 dungeons with followers and get gear that way as well.
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They wont be there till next week. Start of Season 1 in a new Expansion is when last Expansion shows up for Marks of Honor
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