Where's the Horde?

Most of Dragonflight’s resolution focused on Bel’amath and the conclusion of the Teldrassil Genocide (rightfully so).

Reclaimation of Gil’neas focused on the Worgen.

Hunt the Harbinger focuses on the Void Elves while following Alleria, beginning and ending with the Kirin’Tor, who’s new Archmage appears to be another human.

Of the Cover Art characters for War Within short stories, 4 of 6 are part of the Alliance. In the quests we’ve seen so far, Thrall isn’t really part of the story. It focuses instead on Alleria, Anduin, Magni, Moira, and Dragan.

According to the new short story, Lor’themar’s totally cool with the general and acting Regent of the Alliance popping in on holiday to visit his son, who’s also a Knight of an Alliance military branch (the Silver Hand).

Where’s the Horde, Blizzard?


Horde is gone.
But ye, remove Horde from the plot and nothing changes.

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Truth. The war is over, and there is no “horde” or “alliance” any longer. We are just a bunch of nations working together to survive the never ending string of world ending threats that keep coming our way.

rightfully so

You’re really just going to completely neglect to mention the forsakens role in that and why it matters?

Also the undead heritage questline…

Turalyon has not only saved all of Azeroth (including the horde) twice, he’s also the defacto leader of the alliance, who we are at peace with. Why would Lor’themar not be cool with him seeing his son in Silvermoon? Why would he risk the diplomatic fallout of starting crap with someone he knows has good intentions? Why would he insult Arator who is not only a knight of the silver hand (as at one point were Liadrin and the rest of the blood knights btw) but a resident and respected citizen of Silvermoon?

If you want conflict fine but at least ask for conflict that makes sense.


Don’t worry now. Any day now Baine will go bat guano crazy and start invading alliance cities sparking the 5th war.

Then we will kill him like every other horde leader and prepare to repeat the process 2 or 3 xpacs from now.


I mean, I don’t think it makes sense for the Horde and Alliance to be against each other at this point and as someone who plays both I would actually love for more zones to become neutral… but it does feel like Horde characters have been kind of extra put on the back burner this expansion.
I personally would love to see Lor’themar do more in general and wish they would give us more of him… but I fear Blizzard is slowly pushing Calia into the spotlight.

I always thought he was under-utilized in game.


Honestly it’s been nice. I had the same feeling about the alliance from Cata, through MoP, into WoD. That was a Horde trilogy.

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Seriously; I think he’s so cool, haha. I loved running around with him, listening to him tell me stories in the Blood Elf heritage armor quest.

If you haven’t, read about what happened to his eye.

Nah, Alliance is doing fine, they’re always there on the frontlines, if not Tyranda, than Turalyon, now it’s Anduin and Alleria… Good for them.
But I’d like to see Horde do something of essence too.


Midnight will be located in Quel’thalas.

We’ll see plenty of Horde in Midnight if we do not see them during TWW patches.

We’re still in alpha, people need to calm down. How many Horde centric stories did we have in Cata, Mists and Warlords? The entire focus was on a terrible character named Garrosh.

Legion, BfA and SL was a mix.

DF was mostly Night Elves, but tbh, it’s best they address stories like new homes for races looking for them instead of waiting 10+ years for a resolution only for it to be crap (looking at you Gilneas).

TWW is Alliance leaning atm, but we haven’t seen the last zone or any of the end game content.


The Horde is dead.

Good riddance.

You’re really just going to completely neglect to mention the forsakens role in that and why it matters?

In my opinion, it doesn’t. There’s no real indication that the Forsaken were needed to retake Gilneas. They have experience with the Scarlets, sure, but as a Horde character doing that quest, you’re mostly just along for the ride.

Also the undead heritage questline…

I didn’t count anyone’s heritage quest line in my original post because IMHO, the heritage quests aren’t part of the Main Story.

Turalyon has not only saved all of Azeroth (including the horde) twice, he’s also the defacto leader of the alliance, who we are at peace with. Why would Lor’themar not be cool with him seeing his son in Silvermoon? Why would he risk the diplomatic fallout of starting crap with someone he knows has good intentions? Why would he insult Arator who is not only a knight of the silver hand (as at one point were Liadrin and the rest of the blood knights btw) but a resident and respected citizen of Silvermoon?

Take this in reverse, when Horde characters walk into Bela’math (including the Horde heroes who helped grow and defend Amirdrassil in the first place), we’re explicitly told that we’re being watched. Meanwhile when Alleria goes into Silvermoon, she knows SHE’S being watched but she’s completely caught by surprise that Turyalon is already there, visited. She’s one of the most skilled archers on Azeroth, if he was being watched by Lor’themar, she’d have noticed it and thought, “Why are they watching my son like this?” or something. I’d argue that Turalyon saved Azeroth once during Legion, in Battle for Azeroth he fought in the Arathi Warfront and that’s basically it, I don’t think he deserves the level of unrestricted access he gets, no.

Lor’themar definitely is. I stand that his wedding should have been an in-game event with voice acting and whatnot, even if there was no gameplay a fun little community event would have been cool.

Was it, though? In Cata the Molten Front is all night elves versus Ragnaros; it wasn’t until Thrall became the Earth-Warder that it got a Horde main character, and that was the final patch of the expansion. Mists did a pretty good job of catering to both sides, from things like Anduin and the Divine Bell for the Alliance, to the Purging of Dalaran, to the Jaina-versus-Lorthemar on the Isle of Thunder, leading up to both factions storming Orgrimmar together. And while orcs were the villains in WoD, that expansion got cut to ribbons, with the entire Draenei story getting left on the cutting room floor to the point where it wasn’t satisfying for anyone.


Midnight will be located in Quel’thalas, but Blizzard has been working so hard to set it up as a neutral city that I’m concerned that it’ll go back to being Alliance-centric and the Blood Elf Bunch.

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There’s also the theory that Silvermoon won’t be the capital, and will instead be an end-game hub, with the capitals being Gilneas City and the Ruins of Lordaeron. It’s not my theory, but one of my guildies is pretty convinced we’ll be seeing the entire continent of Lordaeron updated. The continent of Lordaeron is everything north of the Thandol Span.

I personally think Zul’aman will be the capital, while the majority of Quel’thalas is occupied by the void.

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Just because it doesn’t explicitly say he was being watched doesn’t mean he wasn’t being watched.

The guards probably ate breakfast even though the author never explicitly said they did.

It doesn’t really matter anyways though, why would they need to watch him? He didn’t destroy a city and commit genocide under alliance banners like the horde player character and he didn’t threaten the sunwell with uncontrolled void magic like Alleria unknowingly did.

Turalyon has been a hero and friend to the elves of Quel’Thalas long before any of them wore the name Sindorei or stood under horde banners.

We’ll show up when one of our leaders goes insane again and has to be put down. Oh, and we’ll be there praising Alleria and Turalyon for coming in on their white horses to save the poor Blood Elves from the Void trying to eat the Sunwell in Midnight.

I’m pretty sure Sylvanas will be there, not sure if that would make you feel better or worse though.

Eh, given how SLs ended, I fully expect her to come back just to say how awesome her sister is and how Alleria is the real Ranger-General that Sylvanas never could be.

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There was Horde content in DF, with exclusive Tauren weapons and toys earlier in the expac. It was a relatively short, but imo, good quest chain.

There will be Horde content. Midnight is going to center on Quel’thalas.