Where's the Fyrakk Axe?

5 weeks, 13 raids across LFR, normal and heroic, over 100 eligible people, ZERO drops.

Bad luck protection working as intended?

Even if the drop rate was 1% I should have seen a drop by now.

I have yet to see an axe drop for anyone.

What gives blizz?

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heroic RNG supercedes the other runs. running more doesnt improve odds.

p.s guildie got his tonight. we are all happy for him.

no option to obtain it through pvp either

i saw someone get it today and while i was jealous i had my buddy roll on a sword smolderon drop and won it and passed it to me so i am very satisfied

Has blizzard said this is how it works or are you speculating?

I got so many of those bad luck protection things from heroic bosses. I thought TODAYS THE DAY but no, nothing :sob:

It’s how it works

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The rng is so low I stopped farming it. It’s garbage design

kill it on mythic for good RNG.

it’s a very strong item for LFR, is it not?

Oh definitely, if someone gets it on LFR they are eating well for the rest of the season if they have enough to craft it.

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