Where's the boomkin love?

Where’s the boomie love this phase? We are still using ZG 3set as it will always be top. We get no off-hand/ring from Kara, we can’t use wands, we can’t use swords, Atiesh has FERAL AP on it which should be removed since it’s a caster item (creating more useless competition), and our prebis weapon for naxx is still BWL staff!

Can we get a bone thrown our way? Other classes will roll with 8/8 sanctified at Naxx opening and boomkins have to use cloth or +healing gear to get the 8/8 bonus.

Seems like we got shafted a bit. Anyone else agree?

You guys are absolutely fine. Most classes have to be unoptimized to hit the 8/8 for day 1


I wish they would put an icd on wrath of cenarius so we dont have to farm that garbage, it shouldnt be better than naxx rings.

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youre the best in the game at everything you can do in the game for a whole phase and now ret paladin beats you because Aggrend plays ret paladin and is the senior game producer, its not that bad.

Have you seen where Arms is? lol

no not really. healing mages had their 2.5 set 2p completely disabled and the only “good” set bonus on the t3 doesnt scale with sanc pieces.

also backstab rogues, glad warrior, frost mage, are all in the same zg boat as boomkin.

and then…theres arms warriors.

boomkins had and still have it good.

Nice bait thread.

Now go away

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Play fury. Fury war isn’t looking to bad next phase.

No, you deserve no love! You guys are really really really good in PvP and therefore, should never again be allowed to cook or be better!

It doesn’t matter if the gear is outdated and obsolete, your pvp epicness will have to be enough until the end of SoD!

This is why we can’t have anything good in PvE, because trying to balance PvP completely ruins everything outside of it. “I’m having fun raiding, woo hoo!” Other players: “I can’t 1v1 them! Plox nerf!!” Boomies: “Nuuuuuuu, PvE sucks now”.

Its the runes that broke pvp, they could simply fix it by adding modifiers like you have with cutthroat where the ability does 60% more damage to pve targets.

Simple fix. But it guess thats too difficult

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I completely agree. They have the tech and knowledge to seperate PvP damage/health and PvE damage/health. I see it in retail all the time where classes will get buffed but when they enter instanced PvP, the buffs have no effect.

It would be nice to have skills/abilities do x amount of damage outside of PvP instances but remain the same in battlegrounds.

For example: “Lava Burst in BGs will only do 5% extra damage with these buffs” and “Lava Burst in PvE settings will do an extra 50% damage with these buffs”. But instead, we have “LB will do 50% less damage in PvP and PvE”.

The only issue with boomie is that we’re stuck with the ZG 3-set because it’s better than anything else.

Other than that, lmao

its not just pvp instances. Openworld aswell. Theres already a player flag and then you got diffrent classes of npcs. Its really not that difficult to make abilities just hit npcs harder if they want players to pump in pve or make certain boss fights dps / hp / healing checks.

Without ruining everything else there is in the game for that one instance

Feral AP does not count against the ‘stat weight’ of an item. You can see this as all versions of the staff have +150 spell damage and +300 healing for those classes that make use of it (Mage healing still relies on spell damage over healing).

And if the 3pc of ZG is so important to the Boomy spec, then grab the 3pc Shoulder glyph for that.

OP needs to play melee for a month and get a reality check on the state of boomkin comparatively lol


You’re the most god damn pampered class in the entire game, you have nothing to complain about.


Sir… boomies are amazing in both right now parsed they parsed highest damage of all classes for AQ…
And to top it off they are really really stong in PVP. I cant tell if your being saracastic or serious…

Also @kuff… Sir… in vanilla Ateish was literally known as the greatest feral stat stick wepon becuase of the 420 attack power to bear and cat … So it 1000000% makes sense that its just updated for sod. this was the hottest take yet saying to delete the AP which it had originally… Why are you hating on your own class man. please go back to retail.

I don’t know. It sounds like you don’t play competitive boomkin in pvp.

You realize that Boomkins are not top dps meters for the phases before phase 6 right? Now they get top meters for 1 or maybe 2 phase, we see all sort of hysterical trolls leaking rumors from their orifices about how a certain owl bird is OP when it is not.

Frankly, the nerf to frenzied regeneration and survival instincts are unwarranted. Just because some people do not know how to play their class and are too lazy to consumable does not make druids OP.

If it were up to me, I would undo this nerf immediately, and remove the number of stars capped with starfall, and match starfall frequency to the one similar to warcraft III. People complain too much, and the only way for them to get good is for them to face an overdosage of their fears and force them to learn to play.

Guys playing an OP busted class/spec and still want more. Guess we found out where all the enhance shaman went…


I play competetive feral. But i go/used to go to tournaments and still watch tounaments. Heres the thing. . .

Boomies are very strong in PVP ( I wouldnt use OP though they DO have weaknesses as every class should) but as a fact most boomies are REALLY REALLY bad at pvp. They dont deadzone properly, they dont kite correctly, they dont pre-cleanse blinds, they dont fake cast silences, they dont swap bear for an extra stun, and dont get frenzied regen ticks off. Like literally NOTHING is done properly, and to top it off most of them build full damage with no actual thought to defensives. I’ve seen 1 moonkin that played it well and they made boomy look VERY strong. But everyone else has seemed really, REALLY bad, but thats becuase of the PLAYER and NOT the CLASS.

I dont think the changes to frenzied should be undone at all it was always a mainly feral defensive, and running the same defensive as a different spec was always very wierd. With that said i even think some changes could be made to the current one as well to give it less healing for ferals.


Its not MAYBE 2 it is FACTUALLY 2 stop beating around the bush. and no class/spec NEEDS to be on top every phase. Factually they ARE at the top right now and HAVE been since BWL. And, Do i have a problem with that? No! absolutley not! someone has to be at the top and no matter who it is people will complain lets be honest. But saying they are NOT strong in PVE right now is flat out DELUSIONAL.