Where's my rep buff

Kay, 10:04 Am Pacific, anything?

AH OK (some people confirmed.) Yay!

not 4:20, lame…

No complaining you get a full month of


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that is all it took, fragile eh

Buffs live now. Everyone can resubscribe.


here is the update

I enjoyed all our time together. Thank you all for reading my dream, and to everyone who spent an hour bantsing with me. Peace out homies, see you in game.


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I have it on my vulpera. It’s called Impressive Influence.

lol If any actually unsubbed.

When I read posts like those I visualize a 2 yr being told No…and throwing a tantrum.

I’m glad the buff came but HOLLLLLYYYYY all you guys do is COMPLAIN. WAHHHHHH WhErEs mY ReP bUfF WAHH iM nOt PlAyInG

Yeah I’m triggered holy s—-.

This community makes me not want to play this game more than anything blizzard can do

Okay, bye.

I assume you’;re unsubbing right now because of the community. Unless of course you’re just as bad as the rest of us and are all talk.

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doubt it be hidden if they didn’t state it in their original post. seems quite idiotic for blizz to hide a buff when they announced it days prior and not stating it be hidden.

While they may have intended it not be hidden and it ended up not being so, there is still always the chance that things do no go smoothly. Bugs and such, didn’t hurt for people to test it out to see if it was active but hidden for whatever reason.

true this is activision blizzard after all

Thank you. Kitsune means fox in Japanese. Or so I am told. I thought if I changed the e to y it’s like Foxy. lol I might have thought about that too much being on an RP server.

I am a huge fan of the schipperke bread. It would be so cool if Vulpera had an all back option same as their coat collor. I hope you enjoy your Vulpera.


/10 char

What about those of us that are already exalted with everyone? WHAT DO WE GET?? :unamused:



Dude where’s my rep buff?

You are correct, Kitsune means Fox in Nihongo. Took Japanese in high school and still have friends that were exchange students and have long since returned to Japan.

It is amazing to find someone who knows about Schipperke. Mine was cream color and had her tail and was just gorgeous. She was my anchor and I miss her terribly.

I will be making a lot of new Vulpera, but I also think I will be changing some of my current characters to Vulpera.

Because of my Keiko, her full name was Keiko Kunoichi, (Keiko meaning Adored or Most Adored depending no who I asked) and Kunoichi literally means, Female Ninja. Most brilliant, stubborn, willful and devoted blessing I ever had. I was her human and everyone else was a distant second. Gave the cold shoulder to every stranger and other dogs were not worthy of her attention. Was awesome!