Where's Gruffy?

In the Azure Span, the bonus objective for Gruffy is active. However, Gruffy has not spawned and so is unable to be killed for any players to complete the objective.

We’re currently all fishing, waiting for him to respawn.

Is he on an absurd timer, or is he broken?


Same for me. Active objective for Gruffy, but no Gruffy to be seen.


It’s the former. I saw him spawn on my shard but didn’t get there in time, over an hour later he still hadn’t reappeared.

“Gruffy” bonus objective up on the map again but no Gruffy. Still not spawning.


Same issue here on Dal server. The bonus objective is up but Gruffy is not

Same on my server.

The bug here just seems to be the objective showing up when he’s not active. No other non-elite rare with a bonus objective tied to them has this behavior unless they are spawned and you are in the vicinity.

Still just as bugged.


World Quest icon is up - no Gruffy. 12-7-2022 @ 630pm. Nordrassil.

yeah no gruffy on US-Sargeras either

Same on Blackhand. Map icon, yet, no spawn.

This guy is part of an Achievement. Needs to be fixed. Still not spawning. Gorefiend.

Dec 10th.

Still not spawning.

Hotfix this, Blizz.

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