Where's Delaryn?

see what I mean nothing in wod mattered and nothing bad happened to anyone who mattered either maarad was a nobody and admiral Taylor was flagged for death the second nazgrim ate it. who did the horde bring ariok? and all he did was turn into a buff mutant (a hardly noticeable difference)

now new players will completly skip wod leveling making the plot-lines even more irrelevant.

New players are going to completely skip other expansions too, they might as well not exist either.

I believe Delaryn has still yet to be datamined or mentioned by name, but the Undead Night Elves that went with Calia are mentioned again on the PTR for the upcoming pre-expansion event:

    Lor’themar: At long last, the Blightcaller has met the justice he deserved. I only regret I was not there to see it done.
    Lor’themar: I cannot begrudge Tyrande Whisperwind for claiming the killing blow. I only hope the Night Warrior’s rage remains fixed upon Sylvanas.
    Calia: I do not wish to speak out of turn. Regent Lord, but I have given counsel to the kaldorei who were raised into undeath after the battle for Darkshore.
    Calia: I believe I have helped them find a path forward. Perhaps if I spoke of them to the High Priestess, it might help ease her spirit, if only a little.
    Lor’themar: Lilian Voss has told us of your efforts, Lady Menethil. Let us hope fate offers us a chance to see your kind offer bear fruit.

Calia really does come across as the dumbest character. One, she wants to speak about them herself, she who is nobody to Tyrande and now appears as an undead. Two, she wants to talk about the same night elves who betrayed and spat upon their people, and joined the enemy to kill them and send them to the Maw.


The forsaken are one thing, but why would the risen Kaldorei even care who she is? The way they were raised has nothing in comment and I’m sure they want to hear nothing from a human who didn’t have to kill her own people.

Ok, but how though? Why would Tyrande give her the time of day?

This feels like a attempt to make Calia sound more important than she really is.


Oh no! That’s a spoiler I didn’t want to know. Oh well. Well at least it’s a good one. I need Calia to stay in her lane and Delaryn needs be at the nearest moonwell praying for forgiveness.


This describes every scene Calia has ever been a part of.


Furthermore on Calia, I take issue with the fact that she went to Hyjal without mentioned that she was taking care of the fugitive Kaldorei.



Ohhhh my Metzen. I’m so glad Blizzard is graciously giving us poor Hordies more characters (after killing off a bunch of our characters) by just killing a bunch of Alliance characters and dragging 'em over. Cool. Thanks. Not like we have a bunch of underused characters laying around who could seriously stand some cool development. Those guys probably aren’t humans or elves, so they’re icky.


Maarad was the iconic Draenei Paladin in the Burning Crusade cinematic.

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what does that mean for the story? his story was wrapped up in medans until wod and medans story is now tentatively cannon at best.

none of the other characters in the cinematics are named until wrath blizz only said it was maarad back in 2013 because the draenei had gone without major development for 6 years at that point and needed something.

He’s using the same armor style and the same pink crystal hammer.

and? I didn’t deny that it was him I just said they they only said that because by blizzcon 2013 draenei hadn’t had any real development outside of a prophets lesson

That was only mentioned during the blizzcon reveal for WoD to try to prop him up as a character, he didn’t exist in game in BC and his first appearance in game was on the Skybreaker in Icecrown.