Wheres are 8 trophies of strife from sparks quest?

See title’ cant get weapon next week now cause damn quest was bugged last night.

Are you able to purchase catchup trophies with honor?

if its intentional we suppsoed have trophiws u can buy catch uip next week. if its unintentional then no harm done and wipe our trophies

It’s in your currency tab

maybe tues, not sure, are they 3500 each though so 28k honor to farm, fml?

And nope it not in inventory or currency, was bugged til 11:00pm PST when they hotfixed it…

You dont get trophies this week. Next week you do.

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not true, my buddy got them doing sparks of life quest this week, 8 trphies of strife.

support told this guy:

oh nice I turned in my quest a few hours ago but apparently it was the “old version” of the quest so I also didn’t get any trophies. Blizz has made it clear the first few months of a season they don’t really want you to play anyway. This is part and parcel.

I got mine a couple of hours ago. I…thought that they weren’t meant to be available this week, so maybe it’s just a bug and they’ll get yoinked? :dracthyr_tea: I don’t generally spend them for a week or three anyways.

Same thing happened to me. Completed the quest yesterday on my main and got no trophies of strife. Today on my alt it shows trophy of strife as a reward for the quest… Looks like my main is permanently behind on trophy of strife now. Cool

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my alt still only shows a supply cache/rep/honor/conq as reward for the quest and that didn’t have tokens on my other char when I turned it in.

No, you can purchase them with honor if you’re behind, I think, unless bugged and it thinks that you did in fact get them.

I did the quest on two chars and got trophies this morning, now on every other char the quest appears to be back to giving nothing.

Are we supposed to even get trophies in the pre-season week? feel like we didn’t in the past as people haven’t been able to get 2h sparks weapons til week2 of the season no?

I didn’t get them on any chars, yesterday or today.

3500 honor each maybe so 28k, unless it tracks quest and not trophies

Got them on one character - but did the quest with two others and did NOT receive them.



The cost in honor to buy 8 trophies is pretty steep. I think one is 3500 honor, iirc? So, to compensate for the quest you would need 28,000 honor.

I did the sparks quest earlier today on my rogue and turned it in. I don’t have any trophies in my currency. I really wish they would iron these kinds of things out before going live with it.


I turned in the quest tonight and got no Trophies of Strife in my currency.
So something is still messed up.


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Bumped bumped