Wherefore art though, heritage armor?

It seems very odd to me that the allied races, the newbies to the party, all have Heritage armor sets but of the core races we are still waiting for…

Night Elf

and Pandaren for both.

So…seriously? They can manage Heritage armor for races that have little in the way of actual game history and yet cannot manage to make one for Orcs or Humans, the first races ever in the game’s history?

Of all the mog subjects that annoy me, this is probably the most annoying.


They’re just looking for further opportunity to string us along, keep us waiting, and release one every 2 years to get a handful of people subbed again.

It is de way.


My biggest gripe is undead and night elves.

two of the most impacted races in the past two expansions don’t get any heritage armor despite their roles in the expansion where the feature was introduced. it feels so backwards.


Human and the Scarlet Crusade heritage should rep great heroes like Aedelas Blackmoore. Othmar Garithos. and Sally Whitemane!


I think they forgot about it


They said they wanted to do them in the .5 patches. But here we are, several .5 patches into the expansion and nothing. So…

is probably extremely accurate.


I dont for a moment believe they forgot them. I think they just pushed them down to the bottom of the list of “things we need to do because we said we would”. I believe they will turn up eventually. Problem is, will it be when nobody is around to care that much about it?

Outside artists can do things like this, surely Blizzard’s art team can match it?


I think they hope we forgot about it.


I feel the wod scrap armor was human and orc heritage armor.


the night elf one already exists, it’s what most NPC’s are wearing throughout BfA, they just have to make it accessible to the players.

I hope they fix the body of male night elves though. That should have higher priority than their herritage armor.

The same thing happen in vanilla. Each class was suppose to get a legendary weapon, not just the priest and hunters…I guess they saved them all for legion.

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They might think that the BfA warfront armor sets for human/orc and NE/undead would be enough for us for awhile.

I would disagree, but that might be Blizz’s thinking.


Since we are on the topic of heritage armor, which one do ya’ll think is the best looking so far?

Thou vs though.

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wherefore means why


Waiting for the Arathi and Dark shore Battlefront sets are the Human/ Orc and Nelf/Forsaken heritage armor responses .

No they are not . Those sets can be worn by any toons a player has in their respective factions.

Heritage armors are only useable on a single race and Blizz using the excuse that those sets are heritage armor just shows laziness .


I love nightborne
Worgen is rad too

I’d like to be wrong, but I think heritage armor is just another feature they gave up on before finishing.

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They said multiple times they’ll finish the rest and confirmed it again last Blizzcon.

I think the issue was all the massive delays SL ran into so they had to prioritize things. Heritage is not a priority. Most likely they’ll finish them in the next expansion. And it makes more sense too since we’ll be back on Azeroth where the races are and there’s always little storylines involved.

The only one I really like is the Gnome one (go figure) but the Tauren one is also very good.


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