Where will our characters go after SoD is over?

I’m actually just bored and not currently on my PC. I thought this was fun, not passive aggressive at all. Still:… corfee?

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They go where the clones from era went


They would never work in retail… and SoD is nothing like retail, it’s like 90% era with additions that make it better.

agree to disagree.

For me, I really hope Blizzard doesn’t stop “production” on SoD. Instead, when the season comes to a end, I hope they announce our characters will advance to a Classic+ style server where we get to keep everything we’ve obtained and grow to know, love, and hate into the best thing to happen to WoW in over a decade.

SoD is literally the most fun I have had with WoW since Pandaria was a thing. I literally find myself saying, “Just one more quest.” “Oh, well, I guess one more” next thing you know it’s been 2 hours of “Just one more quest”

I love this version! It’s far from perfect, but could literally go a long way in it’s given the proper love it deserves.

I find myself checking out people’s gear too, and feel the same “aww” feeling when I see someone wearing something cool looking.


To the shadow realm…

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They have a blue post somewhere that confirmed that SOD characters will be saved, what was also confirmed was that they have yet to decide where the toons will go.

Basically your SoD char will def be saved but so far it’s unknown where because they still havent decided.


I’m guessing it will depend on the player numbers once we are at 60. If SoD is dead at that point, they probably won’t devote more resources and further development will cease like era.

We don’t know yet. All we know is the characters aren’t being deleted

Season of Discovery TBC version


I’d like to see an option where the character gets ported to the “hell” server, which will be FFA PvP with full loot of corpses. I wouldn’t go there, but it would be fun to watch.

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Sod is so far off the path for Vanilla that there’s no chance in hell they could end up in Era. Most likely scenario is SoD era.

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We likewise don’t want retail in Classic.

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Is Diablo still p2w in this new timeline?

Considering the vast number of new items in SoD, it would be completely impossible to transfer these characters to a non-SoD version of the game.

They’re just going to disappear, or there will be a “SoD Era”. There’s no other options.

To a big farm upstate


My guess would be either there will be some long-lived servers, like maybe WoW Classic Ladder/Non-Ladder and they would just move to the non-ladder servers (which might just be Classic Era servers, and runes would stop working. Though this seems like it could be complicated), or there will be progression SoD servers, or we can move to Cataclysm Classic, and runes maybe stop working altogether, or after a certain level?

Or maybe a path to Retail.


They said they’re going to make a special place for them in a post a month or two ago. They don’t know what yet but they plan to create a place for them.

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Bless your heart

i made a copy of my hunter on the PTR and its honestly pretty fun playing a full BiS with runes on my gears and that works in “classic era” PTR. I am probably having more fun playing my hunter on era PTR with runes than in SoD. I gained over 600dps on boss fights and I can solo all of gnomer on my hunter in ERA PTR (again its only a dungeon and not the current raid) lol

My pet is “stat wise weaker” but I can have my cat tank 4 mobs at once without even breaking a sweat (again on ERA PTR) and my auto shots are doing over 600 a pop while in SoD they are only doing 300ish