Where was Krasus?

It seems strange that an expansion revolving around dragons wouldn’t have Krasus at all. Isn’t he Alextrasza’s prime consort?

He was busy being dead.


I don’t remember him dying. When did that happen?

The book Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects.

The Twilight Hammer snuck into the dragon sanctums and transformed some eggs to become Chromatic dragons. And he was infected when checking the eggs. Turning into a Chromatic himself, he killed the cultists and destroyed the sanctums and himself to prevent the infected eggs business from going anywhere.


Guess that explains it then. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Apparently he was planned to feature in Twilight Highlands and then die in the Bastion of Twilight raid, but when the raid designers learned he was going to die in a book they changed his role to Calen instead.
Frankly it should have been in the raid, the raid was already basically a sequel to Night of the Dragon and it would have wrapped that plotline up. Instead he got offed in a book nobody read.

All that aside, it is really weird that he wasn’t even mentioned during this expansion.


He died defending the eggs in the Red Dragonshrine way back in Wrath. He destroys them along with himself when he realises that he failed to prevent their corruption.

Same. If you look at Caelestrasz’s (Calen) lines in the Sinestra encounter, you can tell it was originally written to be spoken by someone else. If it was Korialstrasz deadnaming Sinestra (by calling her Sintharia) it would make sense given their history in Night of the Dragon.

Honestly I feel the same with Eranikus. I mean he was Ysera’s Prime consort and suspected father to Merithra. Would’ve been nice to actually have confirmation if that is actually true.


Eranikus has been dead since Vanilla. Most of the people playing now… weren’t even playing then.

Well the Stormrage novel. We only kill a shade in Vanilla and Tyrande frees him from the Nightmare in the Scepter of the Sands questline.


That would’ve been pretty nice - that said, I’m just glad that Legion and Dragonflight treated the Knaack books and their characters well, regardless of the amount of flack I’ve seen them get over the years.

Why are you replying to a thread that was last posted 8 days ago and the answer has already been given.

Also no need for rudeness.

It’s been a long day.

Dead like disco

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“DISCO IS LIFE!” - Mystery Men.


He was at least mentioned back in Shadowlands I think.

God that was a good movie. Better than most cape flicks that come out these days

A long necro (sue me) but I remembered a few days ago that he did make an indirect cameo in Shadowlands during the Ardenweald leveling campaign. Where you go through Ysera’s nightmares. One of her dreams is that of Eranikus.

And no, I did not dig through the forums to find this thread. Someone liked one of my posts.


Can expect to pay for all damages and legal fees.

In fallowed’s defence, dying isn’t a reliable way to know the character isn’t gonna be in the next expansion anymore.