Where to learn how to mage?

I have been playing lock for a long time and was thinking of trying mage. I see a lot of resources on youtube and i have tried a few tutorials. Still, i feell like i need a doctorate to understand what i actually need to do.
I have a few questions please.

  1. any resources that are made specifically for idiots (like me.)

  2. As fire, i understand the heating up mechanic. what i don’t understand is why it sometimes goes away or outside of combustion how the hell am i suppose to predict it? Do i just spam frostfire bolts until i get the proc for insta pyro? Wtf is the difference between phoenix flames and that other insta cast thing ?

  3. Frost… I vaguely understand the shatter mechanic but i don’t what i can shatter and when. Also why is my ST so bad? AOE i seem to be doing ok. Am i supposed to use that Ice rocket thing in AOE?

Please help! I do not understand the fascination that people have with this class. Warlock seems so much more straight forward comparitively.

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I’ve been playing Frost Mage for pretty much every expansion, regardless of what’s “meta.”

My go to resource has been Icy Veins.

Shatter is where I’d say 99% of your damage comes from. It increases your critical strike chance by 1.5x + 50% of your spells on targets afflicted with it. Your goal is to “shatter” as many of your spells as you can. Flurry is your primary way of applying this debuff. Each cast applies 2 stacks to the target, and your target cannot have more than 2 stacks.

Glacial Spike into shatter, and Frostfire Empowerment into shatter is your bread and butter. Fingers of Frost are also a big part of your damage as it causes your Ice Lances to act as if your target is frozen, meaning they do triple damage.

It sounds complicated, but it’s very simple and a matter of priority and managing stacks of shatter on your target. There’s more too it, but that’s the very basics of it.

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thanks so much for explaining. i’ll try it again