Where to kill low levels as alliance?

Truthfully I have played both sides without much issue. Even when I did meet someone they were just doing their thing.


just go to the shadowlands zones and get spanked by 30 man raids

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With how Chromie Time works, you can’t go to zones with low levels. As a side note, not cool.

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As a 50+ player you will never be in a phase with Chromie time levelers. Chromie time levelers have separate warmode on and off phases. The only PvP a Chromie time leveler will run into is with another leveler.

When my levelers queue for bgs, they let the team know who on the opposing team is cheating scum, so we can target those players and keep them dead.

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Thou mayst have fortune in Warlords of Draenor zones, assuming the low level folk there are not all holed up in their garrisons or ferried to a separate timewalking shard, considering it is, last I heard, the most efficient expansion through which to level.

Be the latter true, then thou mayst be best off in Kul Tiras or Zandalar as new players are forced to go through them once they escape Exile’s Reach, though, again, Chromie’s timewalking may thee separate from thy prey. Be thou intent on this course thou mayst be better served creating a 49 or 50 twink and parking them in the leveling zone of thy choosing in the appropriate timewalking phase.

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they removed the war from warcraft :cry:

party sync allows you to see them and gank them
absolutely astonishing the lengths people will go to kill players 40 levels below them


What about BfA zones? That’s not part of Chromie time and all new players have to go through there.

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They are supposed to go there. I’ve met plenty of new players who knew next to nothing about the game but somehow managed to end up leveling in normal leveling zones.

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Esp the AH.

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As mentioned, Hellfire is a decent spot for Alliance and Horde.

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AH alts and lowbies are not flagged nearly as often as you think they are. The majority in Orgrimmar are max level players.

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All the low lvl horde are in Vash’jir you should camp that for a few months.

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Shhhhh op doesn’t need to know that :wink:

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The Jedi Temple


i already did :slight_smile:

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Yes, yes… right outside da Auction House in Orgrimmar. Dat be da best by far. All dose low level AH bank chars, just be chillin’ by de mailbox waitin’ for ya mon.


is that… a troll… trolling ?

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isn’t the answer bloodhoof village? though, with exile’s reach being a thing, not sure it’d be useful for you world-pvp’ers.

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Alot of people these days see laziness as a mark of honour.

Little wonder why mediocrity is on the rise.