Where to go for Popular FF14 Servers like Moonguard and Wrymrest was?

I’m planning on playing ff14 and I’m wondering where do I go to play a Server like everyone else who used to be on Moonguard, Wrymrest, and etc RP Servers from WoW?

Almost all servers in the Primal data center will be highly populated and you can travel between servers. So for RP you’ll be able to access any server within the data center for any type of RP events that might be taking place.

There’s quite a few in-game RP “celebs and bands” that does “tours” by traveling to other servers and performing.

Unsolicited advice: enjoy the game on your time, and take full advantage of being a sprout, the XIV community seems to bend over backwards for newbies.


Balmung is FFXIV’S MG and Mateus is right behind, both on the Crystal datacenter.

Though it’s very tough to get on any server on that datacenter for that very reason. So you’ll have to use the World Visit system Tronica mentioned.

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