As title says
Stormwind sharded, no one just RP’s out in the world, if they do, how would you find them? Is there some sort of beacon system like the SW:TOR Starforge RP Discord beacons?
I’m 1000% down to RP in the rest of the world, the main problem is finding said RP.
Discord servers usually help keep track of events and such. Guilds too.
Or just get together with your friends, open the map. Close your eyes and use the map pin as a dart. Formulate an event for you and your friends. Go nuts. Be creative with it.
Yesterday there were quite a few in Legion Dalaran. Tonight there’s a lot less but still a few.
I know typical Stormwind events are going on as planned but in groups. For example, if you look in the Cathedral thread, there’s information in the latest post about how things are working for now. Things like the Gnews are doing groups, just have to whisper them.
I imagine quite a few guilds are also doing more together instead right now.
Haven’t checked Valdrakken yet but the ‘odd stature’ you show respect to, the room it leads you to is worth people checking out.
Discords are likely the best way to organise world roleplay, however sometimes it’s as simple as using the TRP3 roleplay scan feature in a zone. There are quite a few people that hang out in duskwood, ashenvale, and (legion) dalaran regularly, even outside of sharding periods. I’ll tend to whisper if I see a significant group of people hanging out and ask if it’s a guild exclusive group or a pop-up hub. Just… if you scan an area and see two people off on their own, it’s probably best to leave them alone.
I think this speaks to a larger problem. World RP is mainly unsupported because it’s difficult to find and requires putting ones self out there a lot more than Hub RP. Maybe someone (not me) should make an in game community to list and advertise pop-up hubs and world RP opportunities.
If enough people started regularly participating in World RP, it would become a lot easier to access.
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smh, thinking I have friends
Looks like you’re Alliance, these Discords might be helpful: - Grand Alliance - MG General Roleplaying
Astranaar has some RP, if you are looking for Kaldorei centric RP!
Gilnean Concord had a nice thing last night. keep an eye on the grand alliance discord (event channel) for world events
as for the rest of the morning, day, and nights without events, it’s gonna suck for a while
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So updated list of where I’ve seen RP:
Legion Dalaran
Duskwood (everywhere but especially Darkshire)
Astanaar (Kaldorei centric)
If anybody else sees others gathering, either faction, feel free to add to this.
If you haven’t found it yet, there’s also a player scan feature in trp3. On your world map, select a zone, and the scan options will be in the bottom corner. It can sort and color code by relationship status, you can inspect trp3 profiles from there, and see where people are in big groups. Players can also choose not to be visible on scan for private rp. I use it frequently to see who’s around in Duskwood and where, such as the Twilight Grove, Darkshire, and Raven hill the last few days.
MOST people are in Duskwood right now during sharding. Seriously. Go to Duskwood with war mode off and no timewalking.
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How do you get to Legion Dalaran?
Start the Legion questline, you get a hearthstone to (Legion) Dalaran pretty early. I think you can either started it via the warbards or through cromietime.
Yooo, people are RPing in Duskwood?
I might have to grab one of my alts and check it out.
Darkshire is currently the busy it has been since it was called Grand Hamlet.
Yup! Started a project a few months ago! It’s nice to see people rping in Duskwood!
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I’m literally busting out laughing every time I watch a duskwood ‘native’ make some comment about ‘wutdahell are all these people doing here?!’ Also saw it in a few TRP Currents which is hilarious.
Also, we really ought to be making use of other zones too. Send those who don’t like the dark to Redridge.
And Horde, it’s worth noting you’ll be pvp flagged inside Darkshire and unfortunately for you, so will some Alliance so be cautious.
But other parts of Duskwood should be safe? I think?
Yes! Lakeshire is a good spot to that doesn’t get used!
If you have TRP3 you can search maps for other TRP users. Gives a good indication of what the hotspots are, usually. Right now it is Duskwood and maybe Redridge.