Hey all,
So I picked up the game after a few years and a boost let me skip everything pre-BFA. I play on the alliance faction and with BFA exalted reps out of the way I’m trying to find Argus Isle so I can unlock the Void Elf & the fancy Dranei races as well.
Every guide I see online says that to get there I need to find Khadgar in the Violet Citadel at Dalaran, but he’s just not there. So I tried to back up and it says I need to do the Broken Shore Intro Scenario. To unlock this zone, I need to do a quest also offered by Khadgar who should again be in the Violet Citadel but he’s just not here.
Any ideas where I can find him to get this quest-line started?
The man is so wise even he didn’t want anything to do with BFA.
Are you absolutely sure that Khadgar is not with the other mages in the Citadel? I don’t recall him ever phasing out during Legion, are you in the correct place?

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IIRC the broken shore scenario begins in SW and has nothing to do with khadgar.
The OP is referring to the Broken Shore quest line which opens up Argus, not the introduction scenario.

The Broken Shore into scenario can be skipped with boosted toons, simply by flying to Dalaran through Azsuna. The quest line to begin the Broken Shore invasion does not require having done the intro scenario, I’ve already done this with a boosted Priest.

He’s in the area with the flight master, no? In Dalaran. If you haven’t unlocked broken shore, I’m pretty sure he’s hanging out there.
You accept that quest, fly down to the broken shore and turn it in. Then you can simply go back to Dalaran and he should have a quest for you in the Violet Citadel. It should be a quest that talks about you going to the Exodar. (never done it alliance side).
Are you in the right Dalaran, OP? (Legion vs Wrath)
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He should be on Krasus Landing waiting to do the Broken Shore quest.
Click the magnifying glass on your mini map and click to activate tracking on low level quests, if that helps
Should be a huge party on Krasus Landing waiting to give you the quest as well.
I remember him saying I don’t want to deal with the skirmishes among Horde and Alliance . Goodbye *poof flaps away as a raven
Hey everyone thanks, I found him by reloading my UI. He just wasn’t loading for some reason so it had me stumped, because I could see the quest icon on my map but not him. Sneaky guy.