Where is Titan Keeper Freya?

Last specified to be in Ulduar with Mim she does not appear in the defense of Ulduar when it is attacked by the Legion.

Odin (and thorim & Hodir with him,) and mimiron help the heroes in Legion. Ra and Freya were absent. Ra would reappear in BfA to help us overcome the forces of Nzoth after remembering his purpose to fight the old gods and dies finally when we defeat him in nyalotha

During BfA Magni and MOTHER attempt to contact Ulduar. The call is terminated and they assume Mim hung up in irritation for being interrupted in his work. Weird, there’s a big titan sword in the planet mim is supposed to protect, but Loken had previously manipulated Mim by encouraging him to seclude himself in his work shop, so we can deduce maybe Mim just doesn’t care as long as it’s not Ulduar.

Freya shaped the Emerald Dream and empowered Alexstrasa and Ysera with powers from Eonar. She created the wild gods and possibly the Loa (Most Loa are just wild gods.) Empowered Ursoc. The list goes on


Freya is very much connected to almost all the important lore relevant Legion-Shadowlands. When Ra was absent in Legion and showed up in BfA maybe his absence in legion was calculated by the writers. Can we assume the same thing about Freya? Where is Titan Keeper Freya, shaper of the dream, creator of the wild gods, and bestower of dragon aspect powers?

Shouldn’t she be absolutely concerned with or involved in Elune/Winterqueens “cycle?” Or Alexstraza/Yseras struggles? Why didn’t Magni and MOTHER contact Freya? Why didn’t Freya assist us in imprisoning Sargeras or aiding Eonar in Elunaria? Where is Freya? Where are you hiding Freya, Metzen?!?!?


I’d like to headcanon in hoping she had a fallout with Odyn many years ago, henceforth outright ignoring any of his calls - mostly because she didn’t agree with Odyn’s methods & ideals (Since he literally started his own Val’kyr by twisting them into undeath against their will) and is rather extremely discriminative against Dragons.

But also, with Freya being naturey and stuff - it’d be cool to find out she hasn’t been absent: Such as fighting off Emerald Nightmare @ Northrend in ‘Legion’ and then discovering during the time of BFA - she made her way into the Shadowlands through the Emerald Dream and managed to rescue Ursoc before his light flickered out from the anima being drained, and did the same for other Wild Gods of her flock she’d encountered in her time.


I don’t think Freya’s prejudiced against dragons. She empowered Ysera and Alexstraza AND there’s green dragons at her conservatory in Ulduar.

My headcanon is that Eonar sent her into dormancy to lay low while Eonar was hiding from the Legion on Elunaria, and has also been caught up fighting a reborn Yogg-Saron Sha in Ulduar.

You misunderstood, I was suggesting Freya shunning Odyn for HIS prejudice against Dragons - not hers.

He outright disagreed vehemently with empowering the Dragonflights and considered them nothing more than creatures who got lucky (When confronting Galakrond). He even makes a few negative remarks towards Dragons in Legion too.


My mistake. That would make sense. Odyn’s problems go disturbingly unaddressed in the story.


100% - Would love if they held him accountable, but they just fap him off as a chad who’s always right and does no wrong.

You’d think after the contraversy @ Blizzard – they’d want to call out a character who forced females into undeath - then forced to serve him, yet they’re like “No, clearly those who rebelled are in the wrong.”

Thankfully Chronicles suggested after some of those elevated to greater power in Undeath helped imprison Odyn - they chose not to follow Helya, but go on their own path of free-will (Some becoming Spirit Healers). The Shadowlands retcons makes all the Val’kyr / Spirit Healer lore a bit messy, yet fortunately it’s still manageable to scrape by.


The Chronicle specifically states that the ones who chose not to follow Helya went to the Shadowlands and had a habit of raising Souls they came across from the dead where they stand. It doesn’t state they are Spirit Healers…

As for where in the Shadowlands these Valkyr are turning Souls into Living: No idea. Valkyr in general turn Vrykul Souls into Stormforged Valarjar or Kvaldir so they can turn them into whatever they want though as to whether or not that’s a good thing is debatable.

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Actually it was heavily implied in Chronicles after that line …

In Chronicles volume 1, page 57 as it states:

— ‘Not all Val’kyr continued to follow Helya after Odyn’s defeat. Some of these spectral beings disappeared into the shadowlands. The few who still retained a glimmer of nobility in their souls dedicated themselves to watching over the physical world. From within the shadowlands, these Val’kyr would at times guide the dead back to the land of the living.’


If Blizzard do decide to go forth with an expansion that’s Dragon Themed / Awakening, I’d love if all Dragonflights became playable & each had their own shrined area of sorts in a Dragon city. Because what I’d love is if Freya was in the Green Dragon area, along with a bunch of Wild Gods.

^ Specifically all the Wild Gods that are incorporated into Druid lore - Because I would so love for our fluffy boi Ursoc to come back :heart: My druid would be doing summersaults of joy :grin: … Also because I felt Guardian Druids were given the finger in the Ardenweald cinematic.


Magni and MOTHER called Ulduar. We can assume Freya and Mim would be able to accept the call from various chambers, including their personal ones. Freya has various apertures like in Shalazer Basin, Ungoro Crater, and Veil of Blossoms for observing the development of life in areas she redistributed some power from the well of eternity too–each conveniently near old gods!

I digress though, chamber of the heart contacts all the remaining facilities. They get hung up by mim on from Ulduar and a response from Ra. Freya is oddly absent from Ulduar and its defense.

Off topic, but it just hit me Odyn is probably the only real “morally gray” character in modern WoW.

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You are off topic and please try to stay on topic but no he is not.


I am trying to keep myself from going into an Odyn rant as people keep bringing him up. I dislike him and how the lore makes us work with him, and he gets to just keep chugging along.

But more on topic… he may have something to do with Freya and the radio silence from Ulduar. He did say at the end of Legion that he wanted to visit his old Keepers. Maybe he is attacking them, or has them held captive.

I eagerly await any reason to mete out justice to that scoundrel, but he seems untouchable, as the Fratboy God the Blizz Devs would invent for themselves.

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Just because Blizzard forces you to work with Afrasiabi’s self-insert doesn’t mean there’s anything morally grey about him.


All the more reason she’s off doing her own business :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Would be sensible to state she was dealing with the Emerald Nightmare at the time of Legion and dealing with the fallout on nature in various places of Azeroth due to the sword + Azerite etc.

Love that idea.

I loathingly hate how Afrasiabi murdered so much immortalised / eternal characters in WoW. So bringing some Wild Gods / Loa back into the fold would feel like a massive breath of fresh air in circling back to how mystically divine the WoW universe use to feel.

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People may disagree but I actually liked the way Ra went out. He remembered his purpose and found meaning in the fruition of his creation–kicking old god a**!

Freya though has much more a burden though to be concerned with all things azeroth and life/nature related than mimiron does. I don’t think Odyn can exactly leave his realm and may be mostly bound to it like Helya is to hers. I assume without them their realm would cease to exist. I do wonder why Odyn has not been affected by those devourer creatures and if he or Helya retain any of their titan gifted powers or derive their power from the souls/anima in their realms. I digress

Assuming Elune and some kind of rebalancing act involving life/death is to follow soon after shadowlands I imagine we’ll be seeing Freya very soon.

I wonder why the mechagnomes, seeking to undo the curse of flesh and gnomanity as it is, have not sought out Mimiron. It seems like a giant plot hole for then to be so obsessed to be returned to their creators image but not even seek him out or seemingly know anything about him at all. I think they would be disappointed to find Mim didn’t give af about them though

Helya’s first and currently only death allowed him to leave his Realm as he was only bound to it by her.

Helya can leave her Realm whenever she wants and she had left for(or was sentenced to) the Maw after we killed her. The Primus banishing her to Helheim does not mean she was bound to the place just that he decided to teleport her there for the sake of convenience.

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Just gonna jump in here quick to tell you she’s actually a Dreadlord and is secretly helping Denathrius.

Still, we learned much from observing the link between their plane and Ardenweald, and we have high confidence that a vulnerability has been identified.

Our operative has already gained the trust of her target.

The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green


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Those are Cyan Eyes…

Cenarius also has Cyan Eyes.

Ysera as of her resurrection obtained Blue Eyes(taking her original Green Eyes and candidacy out of the running).

Remulos, Ammunae(who despite being dead has a living Void-corrupted version in N’Zoth’s Vision of Uldum) and Malfurion on the other hand currently have Green Eyes…

Druidism is supposed to cause Golden Eyes(not to be mistaken for the Amber Eyes of Illidan and Azshara which represent the great destiny of the Light) not Green!

Also: Maiev draws power from Elune(a member of the Pantheon of Life) and her Helmet has Green Eyes…

Again, that’s incorrect.

“Among night elves, amber-colored eyes, as opposed to the traditional silver, are a sign of inherent druidic potential and/or a night elf destined for greatness. Among the class-obsessed night elves who lived prior to the War of the Ancients, amber eyes were rare, and thus viewed as a sign of underlying greatness.”

They were more commonly found in those with druidic potential but not all of them - The amber eyes were a sign that the individual had a natural ability for druidic magic, it did not mean that all amber-eyed night elves would become druids, or that the silver-eyed night elves are unable. Malfurion for example is one of the few rare individuals who had their druidism cause golden eyes from his natural silver eyes through the practice – though he’s the exception, not the rule.

This all being stated, to go on somewhat a tangent to extend the information about Night Elven eyes: After the Sundering, golden eyes quickly became far more common - Due to the devastation and immense loss (of both lives, land and culture) Night Elves abandoned their former obsession with bloodlines, and so the number of night elves born with golden eyes increased significantly.

Another factor important to mention is that because druids only recently (In Night Elf terms) opened their ranks to women, golden eyes remain somewhat more prevalent among night elf men than their female counterparts, as the night elf women served their people as warriors, hunters, and protectors. Many spellcasting vocations, on the other hand, were generally considered the realm of Night Elf men. (This is further confirmed in lore accessed through Night Elf Archeology) - Only since the devastating casualties of the Third War have these conventional gender roles been set aside.

Cyan is commonly known as the color between green and blue on the visible spectrum of light, and henceforth can be coerced on to either side of the colour spectrum; more so depending which shade it leans towards (You can look up Cyan Blue VS Cyan Green on google).

However, eyes subject all aside - I seriously hope Freya isn’t a Dreadlord lol.