Where is the -> WoW Hotfixes - Updated January 3?

Everyone has been begging for some balance changes, it’s been two weeks?? Please don’t tell me everything is just working as intended… :frowning:


Something something something….it’s the holidays……something something….


Just lazy American workers taking time off for holidays. How dare they amiright?

My measly $14.99/month is more than those children in Asia make to sew my shirts, I expect blizzard devs to work similarly long hours for my game for less.


i just hope we see boomy buffs in there somewhere


Who do these coding peons think they are? People?

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While I would like to see changes, people just got back from/are still on holidays.

Folks just got probably from the break. Let ‘em get some coffee and get through a few emails, damn.



Ah, a portrait of the coding goons. Where did they have time to get a painter into their hovel while they were slaving away at the video game?

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Live image of wow pvp devs:


I thought most wow players were old angry boomers, but the frequency of these posts the last few weeks makes me think most of them have never had a job.


I think it’s more that a lot of people think the big effectively faceless gaming corporation has an infinite and boundless supply of people to throw at every single problem that arises in the game, actual or perceived.

It’s the holidays and devs are resting after their hard work. Things like Golden path healing for 200, Judgment of Light healing for 300, Obduracy (2% speed), Touch of Light (700 dmg proc), Righteous Verdict (3% tv dmg) and many other amazing talents must have taken countless hours of iteration.

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I’m a gainfully employed cynical boomer but no anger. However, it does frustrate me when my grandson, Bramot, you may have heard of him, when he uses my tackle boxes to prop up his phone to shoot TikTok videos with his edgelord friend, Amatox.


It’s almost like releasing a new expansion right before the holidays, setting the balance dial to “Clown Fiesta” and running out of the building wasn’t the most brilliant of ideas.

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Most companies don’t shut down for the entire month of December. Or if you want to go by how long people have been using the “on holiday” response, the entire last quarter of the year.

Believe it or not a lot of companies care more about making money than observing holidays.

They do this every year. It’s pretty frustrating,

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you mean they rework the entire skill system into these big trees only to basically nerf every single build except one to be viable? or is it giving 1 2 3 4 dh players 40k sustained dmg and 4 or 5 simple ways to live? while other classes like shaman and monk need to use multiple defensives at once just to live through their wall?

it cant be the gearing because evidently we all like that aspect


How many times in the last 10 years do you have to experience the exact same things with WoW before you stop being perplexed when it happens

I thought shaman only had ONE defensive…?

Ladies and gentleman we got him