Where is the portal to dalaran?

every1 keeps saying its in Org, but im in this portal room and all i see is a portal to old dalaran. plz help.

Take the portal to Azsuna, take a short trip to Dal


Don’t you still have your hearthstone from Legion?
I still have all my hearthstones.


Depends on which Dalaran you want…

‘New’ Daalran, i still keep my ‘new’ Dalaran hearthsone one me, but if you dont. yes Azuna

'Old" Dalaran. Take the portal to 'Crystal Song Forest" and you end up in ‘Old’ Dalaran

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There is no Legion Dalaran portal. “Because reasons.” Apparently sending people to the middle of Azsuna seemed like a better idea. You’ll want to use your Dalaran hearth.

As a further note.

As a good idea Blizzard may want to consolidate all the various types of Hearthstones that characters receive including rings etc. Something like the drop-down that mages have now

On this toon i have

-Regular Hearthstone

-'New" Dalaran Heartstone

-The ring from 'Old" Dalaran which will transport a person there

-‘Jaina’s Locket’ which will open a portal for any in the party to go to "old’ Dalaran

-The Trinket from Timeless isles which will transport you to there in Panda land

-All three cloaks available from Guild Vendor that act as additional Hearthstones

-Hearthstone that will transport you to your Garrison

-‘Compass’ which will transport you to just outside your Garrison

  • Hellscreams reach Tabard that will essentially bring you back to Org

  • Argent Crusaders Tabard that will bring you to Northrend

I love having them all but i would like the bagspace free.

ya but sometimes it be on cooldown when im running around the world like a *****head lol

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How cruelly they mistreat us.

At least we still have the Dalaran hearth! If we didn’t, I’d be more irritated. Still a stupid portal, but hearth is nice.

If you’re talking about your druid, you could also go to the druid order hall. The spell will still be in your spellbook.

There’s a portal to Legion Dal in the order hall. Or you could take the flight path from there.

man ive been waiting for years for my mole machine to become a toy. youre asking for too much with a good idea here. thats illegal around these parts

Or use your dalaran hearth?