Where is the portal room in Stormwind?

The room up the stairs that used to lead into the portal room in Stormwind city is not there anymore, and if you run up the stairs to get to the portal room there is nothing behind the entrance anymore,except a wall…
Have they moved the portal room somewhere else in the city, or is this just another of the endless bugs in the game now??
Thanks in advance!!

The portals are now housed in the mage tower in the Mage Quarter. Your wording did not indicate which part of Stormwind you were looking in, but they are in fact active in the mage tower.

I know exactly where they are supposed to be located, and that is where I am talking about. You cannot get into the portal area because the opening gate thing goes nowhere except into the wall behind it.

PS. I got it fixed myself, but Thanks for all the replies!!