Where is the option to see all debuffs on enemy target?

This does not appear to be an option anymore in the interface menu. This needs to be an option in the interface menu. Why would you remove a critical function of the game from the interface options?

At least have an “advanced” section if you think most users are too stupid to handle this as an interface option. If you ask me, that should be on by default so players can learn the game and how it works. Not being able to see what debuffs are affecting your target is absurd. How am I supposed to learn all the abilities added to the game over the past few years if I can’t see them?

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I thot all debuffs were automaticly under there health bar if ur not seeing them mite be a display issue which i would recomend a full UI reset
as for the suggestion i would suggest using the ingame suggestion feature.

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Why do you say that debuffs aren’t showing up? Is there a particular spell you are casting, that you believe is not showing up on the enemy target?

I want to be able to see all debuffs on an enemy, not just my own.

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Found this on wowwiki:

Similar debuffs generally do not stack with eachother. One prominent exception is damage over time debuffs, multiple copies of the same damage over time debuff from the same character generally don’t stack with eachother, however multiple damage over time debuffs from the same character and multiple copies of the same damage over time debuff from different characters will generally stack.

At one point in time, I believe Blizzard changed how buffs/debuffs showed up on an enemy, but I’m not 100% sure on that.

I did hop on a character and tried to sort out what you are after, and I do not believe the UI option you are looking for is in the game any longer. You might try looking for an addon that may give you what you seek.

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So I just tested my addon (AdvancedInterfaceOptions) to see how debuffs appear on a target when changing this setting:

I just did two fights against the Grand Empress with two different groups. I had to do two different groups as you are unable to change /cvars during combat.

With that setting checked (i.e., not filtering the debuffs), this is how the Grand Empress fight looks:

But when I unchecked that setting (and let the game filter the debuffs), then the fight looked like this:


Seems like you do need an addon after all, to get all the debuffs to show up. Thanks Kyzera!


You’re welcome.