Where is the news about classic?

well I know what my plans are. I’m not paying any more sub money until a fresh classic server comes out. and I don’t think I’m alone, so I think Blizzard will release one sooner rather than later.


Yes, PLEASE Classic >>> VANILLA <<< NOT TBC, thank you!


Do a little experiment. Go make a warrior… just because and level on one of the servers in your time zone 1-60 and tell me if it is easy or hard to find 4 other players to run SM gy when you hit 30… or ST at 50… I hope you see my point.

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I understand your point, your point is I want to run low level dungeons with people and I can’t really do it right now.

And my point is you should try to organize. WIth all people asking for “fresh” in this forum, you could easily decide to declare let’s all reroll on server X, make a post about it, keep it up and probably a lot of people will follow you. Instead of milking the game more with “fresh servers”. Cause all in all, I don’t think what you really want is a “fresh server”. What you want is for Blizzard to decide and declare what is the new hot server to be, hoping that everyone will reroll on it at once. Well you can do that yourself and for the greater good.

Besides, I don’t keep track of all the clusters now but Atiesh ally side, there is a lot of people leveling there. With a little work you can probably find a group not that hard. Pagle cluster seemed very promising for the leveling experience too. I didn’t do a lot of researches and my goal was to find a raiding guild (come to Herod horde side guys), not a leveling cluster.

You can also level alts and stop them at x level (let say 18 for deadmines). Then you wait a day when a group for deadmines is forming and voilà. Or you play another toon and try to create such a group. But people usually don’t like to wait unfortunately.

But if you don’t want to wait, it’s because you want to level fast. So why do you even care about dungeons ? Just go do quests or kill mobs.

Ill resub and play a fresh classic for a few months until the bots take over and game is ruined again. Should be a fun month.


You are just a spoiled snowflake who will literally always complain about something and then make some lame excuse why your problems aren’t really yours.

Fresh server launch is not the enemy of Era servers. There are simple ways for the communities to still be both played without splitting everyone into dead servers.

*will post link to previous thread in edit:

I appreciate your efforts in this. You have a good ‘make the best of it’ mindset. Understand that; I have quit wow now for over a year. I am not interested in putting up with a failed mess that Bliz has made (mass free server transfers destroying already balanced servers; Cross faction battle grounds without disabling right click reporting resulting in massive abuse from streamers with no appeals process; deliberate incentivization of gold farmers and bots with no penalties; Forcing players to go TBC or face a Pay wall to continue enjoying Classic after months of rank 14 grind, etc)

Fresh with the promise to NEVER progress server to TBC or any kind of ‘Classic’ will let people congregate on a clean slate server and not have to worry about the community they build to be siphoned away into the newest expansion candy dangled before them.