Where is the music for the Horde?

So Anduin and Varian got both cool new music back in Legion with the Canticle of Sacrifice and that Faith in the light but as usually the Horde was left with nothing at all. Why is that? Where is the cool and authentic music for ANY prominent Horde character? Do I smell even more bias here?

Horde had Sylvanas’ theme, but she uh…she gone.


Lamnet of the Highborne was implemented in TBC.

I mean, it was still there.
Maybe if you guys decided on an actual leader instead of just being China collapsing over and over again you might get some music idk lol.

that is on Blizzard not the Horde fandom. Stop pretending we have any power over the writing.

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Clearly you do, because Calia Menethil was supposed to be more prominent but people boo’d her so much that they changed their minds.


Calia was an alliance character in disguise and no Forsaken fan had any reason to be nice to her or have a positive opion.

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Inspired by a recent episode of Star Trek, the Horde is getting some K-Pop.

I don’t actually believe theme music corresponds to fan love. Anduin got a theme, and even Alliance partisans mostly just tolerate him. It probably has more to do with some developer advocating for it behind the scenes.


Vol’jin died the same time yet Blizzard never bothered to give him his own song.

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The latest new music for the horde was a funeral music.
The eulogist was Anduin.

nuff said.

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Yes Blizzard hates the Horde.

In BFA. Seriously this goes hard af and was used to spectacular effect during the Forsaken’s heritage quest;


:face_with_diagonal_mouth: I mean … It’s not like we WANT to be constantly villified, defeated, apologise, re-built, re-villified, re-defeated, re-apologise and re-rebuild over and over again :sob:

Heck, I had a friend quit in BFA when it was revealed Sylvanas / the Horde was responsible for Teldrassil with no “Morally Grey” prospects that were promised by Blizzard and solidified that we were essentially “the bad guys” all over again with little to no justification (had even more friends quit in SL but that’s another story).

In BFA most of us on the Horde were just rolling with the motions – or at least hoping the “grand reveal” at the end would vindicate Sylvanas, like revealing their was a nuke-worthy corruption in the tree we burned or something … But nope, vilified even harder. lol


All major plot points that I can recall include the Horde just straight up doing terrorism lmao, the only chill people in the Horde are Thrall and Calia.


:x: for doubt.


Calia sucks


Nah, she’s mommy.
Stay mad.


The best Horde music was in WoD. True, it wasn’t our Horde, but while that whole expansion had some problems, the overall aesthetic and especially the music was awesome.

She is Bad and shouldn’t exist.