Where is the lore of void elfs dks?

i mean how can we justify in a lore friendly way to even have void elfs dks? right now i believe they are literally just high elves that decided that: “hell no going to the horde after all the things they done to us!” and went to the alliance instead.

pandaren? well chen was in kalimdor and i bet he wasnt the only one, draenei well they were present in the lich king invasions to the main cities. every single other race from zandalari trolls to mechagnomes make sense to me because is not like they are new, they existed and probably had some sort of interaction with the plague, but the void elves have no time or interaction with the plague?

maybe they became dks after dying in the shadowlands?

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I believe enough time had passed between this combo becoming available and Void Elves becoming a thing that it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to imagine some going through the most typical process of joining the Ebon Blade. It was likely at least a year between the establishment of Void Elves as a group and the beginning of the events of Shadowlands. That along with their involvement in BfA’s Fourth War gives them a reasonable time frame to utilize.

Canonically,I believe that allied race and pandaren dks were raised by the new Lich King during the ending of the Battle for Azeroth. As such, all of these races would have had a chance to be a part of their respective faction, possibly dying during the Fourth War, and then being raised to serve again.

As such, void elf dks were just void elves that had been killed and later raised as death knights. They joined alliance before death and remained alliance after.


That you died from something and were raised by Bolvar instead of Arthas.

Or you just give the Worf response


bolvar started to raise people again? pepehands, you only had one job bolvar, literally just sleep, you cant even do that!!


Ya, he kinda woke up for legion to help out the death knights. Which, to be fair, delivered what I’d say was one of the most enjoyable order hall campaigns, so it was for a good cause.


And we get Whitemane back minus the cray cray.

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My thought is that they’re death knights who joined the ren’dorei as a form of reunification of those “lost” with Silvermoon and Quel’thalas.

Think of it like this: you’re a high elf fighting in northrend against arthas. You get killed and become part of the Scourge. Years pass where your will is not your own and then the hold finally breaks. Your memories start returning that you’re a citizen of Quel’thalas, only you find the kingdom to be decimated and assimilated into the Horde (not that your character would necessarily know what ‘the horde’ is per se, but rather they’d likely be appalled to see the streets of Silvermoon filled with orcs, trolls, ‘more scourge’ [the forsaken], and your former kin who seem to be under some kind of spell [basically, fel/holy sunwell/etc influence]). Then you begin hearing of a resistance faction from out of Silvermoon, one that still upholds the allegiances you last recall serving in life. You seek them out, only to learn they’ve embraced a form of shadow magic beyond that which created you-- and have been similarly separated from their ‘parent’ society just like you.

Spitballing here, and probably not the best/most coherent, but hopefully you get what I’m trying to get at. Similar to what your opening line said, OP, but with some elaboration.

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You’d be correct even their ‘Veteran of X war’ thing is ‘Veteran of the Fourth War’ versus the usual ‘Veteran of the Third War’

There isn’t any. Make your own up.
This also goes for Light-Forged, Draenei, Vulpera, Mag’Har Orcs, etc.