Where is the Latino Culture at in WoW?

I knew this was going to happen once Blizzard open up a whole can of worms , now here comes the flow of BS.

Now the disables wants their choice of character too .

And here i am wondering why no one mentioned the female human dance.
eeh macarena ah ah!

I mean, we have mechagnomes for people who want a character with prosthetics :stuck_out_tongue:

Language as a whole mostly stems from Latin. There’s your representation. Good day sir.

Wellllllllllllllllllllllllll, sort of but no not really.

English has elements of the romance languages in it, but they are largely adopted. English’s base is Germanic with a grammar and a core vocabulary inherited from Proto-Germanic.

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Latino culture is not a thing. There are similarities due to common roots but each nation and groups within latino nations vary wildly and could be argued to be even more diverse than anything that has settled in north america for a comparison.

The one thing that lies in commonality for latino culture is a iberian colonial heritage and transferring that to a fantasy setting is difficult I bet. Island and zandalari trolls are probably the best that’s going to happen and frankly I’m satisfied (not like I felt there SHOULD be a representation).


No hablo espanol. English please.

I really dislike that only selective threads about real life ethnicity, race, or religion stay up because people are indoctrinated by thought police.

That’s an interesting way to say “Oh, oops, I was wrong - thanks for the knowledge.”

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Dis guy.

Conversely, we can just point out that Gilneans, Kul’Tirans and Lordaeronians/Stormwind…inians? are similar enough and one should represent the rest.

Me personally, I’m from the Caribbean and I always identified with the darkspear Trolls somewhat, even if it’s absolutely not at all even remotely close. The whole being an islander thing.

No, that’s my way of saying “you might as well be speaking Spanish because I don’t understand you”. Don’t put words in my mouth.

Ok then, since you don’t understand I’ll simplify it:

You were wrong, English is not derived from Latin it is derived from old German. The image I dropped in shows Latin and all of the languages that came from it.


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Hah, I was thinking about the exact same thing but then I remembered I’m lazy and decided not to post about that.

The “Ñ” it’s a thing, yo.


Old english is the language of the Saxons who were Germanic if i’m not mistaken. So definitely more of a german influence than latin.

Zandalar took it’s inspiration from the Inca Empire, whose territory was mostly today’s Peru.

Yes, you’re not mistaken. English is not Latin-derived. It has scavenged some words from other languages…but that has nothing to do with where it came from.


Someone got that “Reset the clock!” meme handy?

Plus christian latin is medieval latin. The pronunciation is more similar to Italian pronunciation of words. So the Latin influence in the current language is more stemmed from italy and france than specifically latin if i’m again not mistaken. However it’s only influence and not what the language was stemmed from.

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Your wish and all that…

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I don’t know much about latin culture but didn’t they have taco in game? Or do you want them to get Maluma or Bad Bunny to be the music director?