Where is the Latino Culture at in WoW?

Have you literally ever heard of Mayans, Aztecans, or Incans? The Zandalari are completely and utterly inspired by them. Heck, half their gods and locations are inspired by Mesoamerican culture. Have you seen Quetzalcoatl- I mean… Hakkar?!

Look no further than Xibala, which in Mayan culture was named Xibalba and was the Mayan underworld. Additionally, the Zandalari dishes in cooking are freaking empanadas!


I know the OP is just trolling but his posts still have so much ignorance of the culture he’s so valiantly defending and it’s kinda sad.


Simple. It is not.

Latino culture is expressed in a few ways.

The Zandalari Trolls have a deep Precolumbian aesthetic blended with Afro-caribbean themes. Their buildings and temples. But more so, their naming conventions.

There is even an area in Zuldazar named Xibala, which is named after a Precolumbian Underworld Xibalba. Not an African one.

As I showed, you are incorrect.

Also - the modern day Hispanic culture and race is classified as “white” in the US census. Perhaps because the Spanish are from Europe and totally conquered Latin America down to the languages and religions. But the Spanish part of Latino culture is displayed in Kul Tiras.

Not only that, but Don Carlos, Don Rodrigo, Don this… Don that… those are Spanish terms. Like Don Quixote.

I see an appreciable amount of Hispanic/Latino representation.


The in game culture of the Zandalari Trolls is Mayan/ Aztec / Incan inspired to be sure.

The mannerisms and voices of the actual Zandalari however ARE based on Africans.
I worked for a worldwide corporation for 15 years, We had many African employees over the years and the Zandalari are very much based off their mannerisms.

it’s kind of an odd mishmash for WoW but it works.


Yeah yeah. I never said anything against that. Zandalari voices are absolutely African. Hence the whole Zandalar Forever thing.

Yeah WoW tends to do that. For example: the Kyrian of Bastion. They have Valkyries from Norse Mythology combined with Greek Elysium, and I love it. Really crossing my fingers for playable Kyrian.

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Are you looking for lowrider cars or what?

The Zandalari (and possibly other trolls) take influence from the Mayans/Aztecs. The Spanish conquistadors are simply European.

Zandalar is inspired by the South American cultures like Mayan/Inca/Aztecs/etc, which is Latino culture. Hispanic means having Spanish heritage, whereas Latino means Latin America ie. South American heritage. Majority of Latinos have something like 60-70% Native South American heritage, which means the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, etc.

You don’t seem to know a lot about Latino culture or what Latino even means honestly.


I’m like 75% certain I’ve seen you make this Sunday post before. You’re really starting to lose your originality, man (not that pulling a race card was ever original).

Still, I’ll bite. BfA is current content (sadly), and that’s when we got our African “representation” according to you. So what makes you think that latino isn’t far behind? You are not being dismissed. Blizzard just hasn’t gotten there yet.

Will you still be trolling when Blizzard adds a bajillion human ethnicity customization choices as soon as next expac?

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LMAO brother, nice Sunday try. 1/10.

Orale, ve a preocuparte por algo que importa.

Este juego no contiene Francés, ni Ruso, ni Canadiense, ni Polaco, ni Hawaiano, ni Japonés, ni Mongol, ni docenas o cientos de otras razas.

¿Dónde está tu defensa de esas razas? O solo te importan los “LatinX”?


Aight where’s the Canadian culture??


Jk its Highmountain bahahah we got a whole zone dedicated to us yall got nothin

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And also, while that dude is at it, I want to see the other ones I listed above.

French, Russian, Polish, Hawaiian, Japanese (not Chinese or “vague Asian”), and Mongolian.

The first two are (primarily) what I am made of, so by this ridiculous aspect of social media culture, I have every right to demand my representation.


Guessing Sunday troll thread, but:

Where’s the Polish, German, Ugandan, Spanish x number of other cultures? Because WoW doesn’t need to represent all cultures.


I love it. Click the summarize this topic.

Great feature 10/10

But it should attempt to include groups like Latinos that make up a decent % of the player base. Why was the whole expansion MoP dedicated to 1 such group, but not latinos?

Skinwalker and Sunday, they go together like beer and pizza.


I am latino. No, just no., This is a FANTASY game. Different world, different races, NOT earth fantasy. Just play it as it’s meant. Why can’t people get that? Otherwise they would have made a fantasy game set ON earth, and then i could see this. The representation is of the races and such ON these planets…oy…i need more tequila and it’s only noon. :tumbler_glass: :tumbler_glass:


The Scarlet Monastery tabard kinda looks like the Canadian flag.

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Latin American culture is pretty modern. They tend to use medievil/ancient history in WoW.

The exception is Kul’tiras/Gilneas. And Kul Tirans as you said were originally supposed to be Spanish themed.


Sunday Troll doing Sunday Things.

To the people feeding him: there’s no such thing as a racial culture. National culture =/= Racial Culture.