Where is the horde (spoilers)

No. Most other races that used shadow magic culturally knew enough to not let themselves get corrupted by it.

Void elves are the worst thing to use against a void enemy apparently.

Haven’t seen anything to do this so far.


Hey while on the subject Aethas. Who the hell has been gaslighting him into thinking he needs to purchase an apology gift for Jaina and not the other way around?
I need to know whose face I need to carve off.


Why did you give me hope? :[

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The Void elves have shown that the Void can be managed in the same way that Nelves interact with nature; not as something that can be controlled so much as guided.

The expansion hasn’t even properly started yet and it’s planned as a three expansion Arc. I’d be amazed if you had seen anything to confirm it either way.

I’ll avoid spoiling anything but still try to convey my frustrations from a mostly horde player pov:

The storytelling in the zones is actually very enjoyable and well put together. I have really enjoyed questing through this expansion. My problem was not with any individual zones being too alliance focused… just that EVERY zone is very Alliance focused. Every Zone feels centered around an Alliance faction racial leader as our vehicle through the story. Playing through it on a horde toon you feel out of place in every zone. Feels like I’m along for the ride watching Alliance faction leaders make new friends and save the world. Best you can hope for as horde is maybe some side quests for comedic relief between watching the Alliance heroes… sorry forgot they claimed to be neutral this campaign… save the world. If you put yourself in your characters shoes which of these quest hubs do you feel comfortable as an orc / tauren / troll / forsaken character swooping in and expecting to be able to offer to help without getting attacked?


Seems like they at least could’ve tossed a Belf in there for the Arathi. Likewise the Forsaken wouldn’t feel out of place helping set up the Nerubian’s rebellion. And the Harronir don’t get much to do yet but when they do, and I figure they will given their prominence in the marketing, I’m really hoping we get Troll contact.

Like the Eathern being interacted with exclusively through a Dwarf lens makes sense but they really could’ve thrown in some Horde stuff in the other zones. Particularly with the Arathi as they’re Light worshipping half elves. Liadrin wouldn’t have been out’ve place.


Well that’s sort of the problem when the Alliance have all the cosmic forces under their belt. They have Light with Humans, Draenei, and Lightforged Draenei. Nature with Night Elves with the Tauren really more as backdrop. Void with Void Elves, this one should have gone Horde but nope. Fel is Draenei focused again and over the Orcs as proven in Legion with 0 Orc stuff. Humans also claim magic and undeath over Blood Elves and Forsaken ironically. Most of the time Wrath and Shadowlands was focused on humans with Fordring and Anduin ironically.

The only force Horde get focused with is the Elements and they’re not considered a big cosmic force, just something that is more in between and minor.

So basically due to Alliance having all the races and focus on the cosmic chart then the Alliance will be first and foremost on this cosmic story. It’s the reason Horde is focused first on faction conflicts because they have less to do with the cosmic story angle.


Only on the condition that there’s no elf archer woman in the lead roles of said expansion.


Liadrin would be an excellent character to meet the Arathi. I can understand why she wouldn’t have been there in the opening; we’re stuck with characters who would have had reason to be in Dalaran, and Liadrin wouldn’t have been there unless she was hearing the Radiant Song, and personally I think Thrall is a better option for Horde representation there since he’s a shaman. She has a lot she could discuss with the Arathi, though. I don’t know if she’s old enough to know anything about the original group leaving the Eastern Kingdoms, but she has a strong connection to the history and tradition of Light worship in Quel’Thalas, and could have some interesting insights into how the Arathi’s traditions compare. Anduin does have a bit of gossip dialogue at one point where he talks about how amazing it is to find another human kingdom that shares in the heritage of Arathor, and then he corrects himself to acknowledge that they’re not stictly human and also have the heritage of ancient Quel’Thalas, similar to how Dalaran was. It’d be nice to see Liadrin to show up and hold up the other side of that comparison.


The thing with all of this, is that while it does suck I can understand both the choice of leads and also the abscense of horde characters; Like Magni and his family make sense for the Earthen, Anduin has probably the strongest connection to both light and stormwind of all the characters so that covers Arathor and Alleria is the void character (well… at least the one that isn’t either serving the void lords).

And the thing is… Trying to add horde characters would have made the zone stories more diluted because they would have had to add more content for them at the expense of those core narratives.

Still, I fully expect them to do more with the horde in this expansion; Thrall is almost assuredly going to turn back up given the ammount of attention they’ve given him in the prelude, Gazlowe also got a glow up and is in the expansion, and I’m given to understand that Rexxar is probably going to be the next delve companion.

Beyond that, anyone who’s acting like they have this whole 3 expansion story arc figured out already based on three days of content isn’t worth listening to.

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I’d argue that in this context the Mag’har will have a part to play at some point in the future; the two cornerstones of their existance have been that they weren’t corrupted by the fel and that they do not recognize the light as an inherently good thing.

Like, they’ve dropped hints that the light is a problem in the past and with the Void kicking off it’s not unreasonable to think that some Naaru will turn up and be… problematic.


Shadowlands was an expansion about Death. Something which the Alliance was wholly divorced from. The Horde worships death through ancestor worship. Bwonsamdi and the Other Side have been amped up since before Cataclysm. The source of the Forsaken stems from the Shadowlands.

Where was the Horde?

No where.

Meanwhile the Night Elves, whomst had absolutely nothing at all to do with the Shadowlands (their dead stayed exlcusively with them on Azeroth, or were turned into stars) got the life realm Emerald Dream retconned to be the oldest most powerful force in the entire cosmology, so powerful it forces its way into the Shadowlands.

Forsaken were the Shadow race. The Alliance stole Shadow from them with Void Elves, and the forsaken are utterly missing from this expansion, too. The Cult of Forgotten Shadow got retconned into being created by the humans of the Alliance and is run by a human of the Alliance.

The two times Kil’jaeden showed up?

Orcs were gone. The Alliance heroically saves the world. The Draenei save the Blood Elves and their Sunwell. They defeat him both times.


The Forsaken are inherently resistant to Shadow magic and mind control. You’d think that might come in handy when trying to save Azeroth from Shadow magic that mind controls people.


I’d hope so but given the track record with the Orcs being absent during Legion where they should have a whack at Kil’jaeden for corrupting them. Saurfang being involved more, but nope it was just Alliance. Legion was such an Alliance expansion that the Nightborne joining Horde was a big shocking surprise because everyone from streamers to average players played and saw Suramar as Night Elf/Alliance content. Hence why them joining Horde felt such a big backstab to the Night Elves and the Alliance.

Hopefully Mag’har show up big when the Light shows up, and not just dissapear but be a huge driving force. However given the track record, I’ll be doubting it, or it’ll be a “We’re here! Lok’tar Ogar!” Then dissapear, nothing as big as Velen VS the Legion.


This sums up my opinion as well, they had opportunities to include the horde and it’s races. They just didn’t for whatever reason. Even when they own the said cosmic force, blizzard has recently gone out of their way to ignore this in shadowlands, legion. They also didn’t develop any horde characters or horde in general outside of faction conflicts.


It’s very clear that Blizzard felt that Sylvanas’ role in Shadowlands was clearly enough Forsaken representation during that expansion.

As for the Void, we lost that entirely, and the Forgotten Shadow is a forgotten footnote with it’s founder becoming a living human inexplicably and not interacting with the Forsaken whatsoever.

Looks like we’ll get Light themes though thanks to Calia, and these Arathi light-undead.

Dry-heaving noises


No they don’t. Void elves messed around with the void and became corrupted by it because they had no idea what they were doing. They’re not masters of it. They’re a bad joke of a race.

There are at least 3 other races that have used shadow magic on a cultural level without being corrupted by it. None of them are involved this expansion though.


That’s a totally fair way of feeling. I don’t blame horde mains for feeling the way they do.

But I admit that I am suprised by how much I am enjoying the expansion so far on my man’ari hunter. The story flows pretty well between the campaign and side quests.

Hopefully for horde mains, I honestly hope things do get better for you guys


We were promised that Thrall would play a major role in BfA, and it didn’t happen. Then we were promised he would play a major role in SL, and that didn’t happen either.

Metzen being around again might mean it actually will happen this time, but hopefully you’ll forgive me if I don’t hold my breath. He could be too busy with his new job to do a lot of voice work.

Hear, hear.

I can’t believe people think we’ll fall for “Wait and see” again after BfA.


Not only that, but the void canonically fears death. So I mean they’re the perfect soldiers for it.

Of course that means if a death knight is needed, they’ll call Thassarian and that brand new named nelf DK that they made for amirdrassil.