Where is the horde (spoilers)

It’s been the norm ever since Legion.


Who’s to say it was an accident? :smiling_imp:


It won’t it’s been that way since legion, SL, now war within


There’s a give and take to these perceived discrepancies, an ebb and flow. Sure the Alliance get more story focus, but in exchange the Horde gets a hundred Mythic raid clears before the Alliance gets their first ten. It all balances out in the end.

Your comparing story/narrative to player base achievements?


I’ll be a contrarian and say I prefer the goofier, down on his luck, harpy hostage Aethas. It makes for a starker contrast with Rommath, the far superior Horde mage guy.

Good to know he doesn’t entirely vanish after the arcane feeding, though. I should keep a sharper eye out.


Have they said anything about it, and if so, could you link me to it? Or are you a member of the writing team in disguise? :smiley:


I can’t link it due to trust levels, but I’m pretty sure it was Metzen that was saying this.

You can put in a non-clickable link by putting the ` symbol before and after the address.


For the 1000th time, say it with Me:




Anduin/Alleria/Magni are NEUTRAL characters.

It’s literally so hilarious to see Horde fail to understand this simple concept when they kept shilling for Cataclysm and defending their privilege by saying “Oh but Thrall is neutral he left the Horde!”

Horde and double-standards name a more iconic duo. Cataclysm Thrall is Neutral because he left the Horde for a couple of weeks, yet apparently TWW Anduin is Alliance-leaning after having left the Alliance for over 5 years and intentionally going into hiding because, as per his own admission, he can’t go back. :rofl:

Snivel more.


Horde: Nooo! You are not allowed to be salty that Thrall is the chosen one hero of prophecy who saved the world because he left the Horde, he is neutral!!!

Also Horde: Waaaah waaaah I don’t want to quest for the human guy who left the Alliance 5 years ago waaah waaaah"

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Sniveling so hard…


Can’t seem to find it; may have been just rumor mill.

Still, I’m doubtful that they’ve decided to completely throw the horde under the bus in perpetuity.

I have strong suspicions that the Horde will feature more in the patches of this expansion.

I almost guarantee we will get a Haronir rootlands patch where Gallywix and his Venture company cronies are trying to wreck the place after striking a deal with Xal. That will put Gazlowe and his new Goblin Way (they explicitly added to the short stories) into the spotlight, particularly if we get an undercity megadungeon at the end to take Gallywix down for good. The Haronir are basically extremely isolationist Na’avi… and the Venture Company will end up playing the part of the RDA.

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I just got to Azj-Kahet, and I’m already bored of Anduin.

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They’ve already been doing it for long enough that I’m not so sure. It’s not that I think Horde characters will never feature again, but they could easily plan on going 2-1 or 3-1 Alliance for the foreseeable future.

Assuming the Horde doesn’t get to be the villains in yet another faction war, that is.

I’m sure you already know my feelings about fighting Gallywix.


That’s fair. I just like it when Aethas gets to do something useful on occasion in addition to his having terrible luck, to show that he’s not completely incompetent. I actually like the dynamic between him and Rommath.

I don’t know if Metzen said something, but Maria Hamilton made some comments to that effect in this interview: https://www.wowhead.com/news/polygon-interview-caves-and-storytelling-in-the-war-within-345298


Two days after completing the campaign and stuff, it makes me wish that this team had taken the BfA story, the writing is much better, the story feels scarier and more emotional, but at the same time it feels as if I only did the alliance side of the quest, and I did it on a horde character.

I have not completed loremaster yet but looking at the forums it seems like I’m not the only only one feeling this.

Back in BfA we got two whole stories worth of content, and I think that worked better for this MMO.


Might be me only getting to Ringing Deeps just now, but so far nothing really screams Alliance story to me. It’s…mostly just Earthen and us helping with their problems, with Moria, Dagren and Magni tagging along and helping out too.

I could be missing something though. Either way, I’m actually enjoying myself so, I guess that’s all that matters. And I’m hesitant about using BfA as a source for story telling considering how terrible the storytelling actually was.