Where is the Horde Spirit?

Horde representation in TWW has been reduced to thrall talking about Anduin’s feelings.

Even in delves we’re going around with Brann, we couldn’t get our own horde companion.

I wanna zug, but I’m just not zuggin’. Y’know?

The past few expansions feel like they’ve centered around elves, and now in midnight we’re going back to elves after a brief dwarf stint.

Where are my spiritual brethren? The darkspear, the orcs, the tauren? My non-elven companions in the horde? Where’s that vibe of all being in it together, banding against the world?

I want more than a side quest centaur episode with Baine.

I want to live and breathe that horde vibe again.


Horde spirit was on a downhill slide since the death of Garrosh. Then Sylvannis really kicked that can further down the curb with her betrayal. Horde needs a pick-me-up honestly. A return to a good story with a redemption and a chance at a better future. Horde has been shafted since, well BFA. Probably before that as well.


No kidding. I’m so tired of elves. I weep.


Thrall is a week leader that’s why!

I really enjoy when my orc, 800 pounds of pure muscle with a battleaxe, gets to play with human orphans around a cozy fireplace in Mereldar.

Hopefully we get more of this thrilling content in Silvermoon next expansion.

I feel like the horde just stands for nothing anymore. I have to go back to classic every now and again for a breath of fresh air.

Am I beating a dead horse here?

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