I know I am a few hours early but I would absolutely play on one.
People enrage when a DC ends up killing them I can’t imagine what a well timed gank would do.
Lol it would die so fast.
Most PvPers want to be able to fight again, not a one-and-done where no rematches are possible.
For this reason I’m playing HC for PvE and community, and Normal PvP server for actual old school PvP.
I would play the HC PvP server. I already killed two Horde on Doomhowl that were flagged and it was really fun. Ended up dying to warrior higher level than me. The idea of a true PvP server with Alliance/Horde/contested territory is really exciting. Unlikely that I would get high level on this server, but it would be fun. Not to mention the average death level is level 11, which is below the level anyone would get a mandatory PvP flag on a PvP-type realm.
A server like this would be trolled so hard, not gonna lie.
You would probably end up with rogue only guilds on both faction, that just go around ganking each other lol.
Trolling goes both ways. A hand full of level 20s can kill a 60 rogue, spam faerie fire and they can’t vanish, for example. I think everyone would be terrified to do anything, which is where I see the fun. People used to say HC Classic would be a joke too
i think you would go days on end without seeing anyone , be super low population, handful of stealth each faction.
Stop asking silly questions.
I would play on one if after killing the player I could loot and take their gear and gold.
i love pvp and have been advocating for a pvp server since i came back to the game and learned they didnt exist any more. who needs war in warcraft, amirite blizzard?
that said, the hc experience and the pvp one are very different. as was noted earlier in this thread, pvpers want to be able to fight the same people again. both to earn a rep, and to form rivalries.
been having a blast on hc, and as much as i enjoy looking over my shoulder on a pvp server, i do agree they cant mix. when i inevitably croak i will transfer to a pvp server if i dont reroll on hc instead.
Unless the 60 is terrible or afk, it would take way more than a handful of 20’s to kill a 60.